Author's Note (A/N)

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Hello! Welcome to my Voltron The Legendary Defender one-shot collection :]

I originally wrote these as a 14yr old freshman in high school with way too much free time back in 2018. I recently decided that I would be rewriting and scrapping material as I see fit because I have evolved as a writer since then.

I do give you full permission to bully my younger self if you happen to stumble upon something, regardless of the location (the writing or comments). I will be honest and say that I probably will go through old comments and archive anything said that I deem inappropriate or unnerving because I have grown as a person since then.

I hope old readers and new readers can bond with this fandom here as I continue my work. At the current moment, I do not take requests for this book but perhaps I will in the future when my rewrite is complete to my satisfaction.

signing off 🐀K
165 words

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