Lack Of Discretion

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"And that is why I will never go night fishing with Eldon ever again." James said finishing his story.

The response was an eruption of laughter from everyone sitting on the deck of the lake house.

"Okay seriously? It was one time, and no one got seriously hurt." Eldon said throwing his arms up in a dramatic fashion.

"Dude speak for yourself. I still have the scar on my ass from the fishhook." West said and everyone started laughing except for Eldon who put his head down in embarrassment as Thalia gently patted his back in a sympathetic fashion.

James shook his head and smiled as he took in the sight before him. Glancing down at the brunette snuggled up next to him he felt his smile grow bigger.

He and Riley were getting married in a few days. He had loved her since he was sixteen and after 8 years together their story was starting a new chapter.

Currently they were seated on the large deck of a lake house accompanied by many of their friends. In celebration of their upcoming nuptials, they had rented the large lake house in order to celebrate with their friends. Not everyone had been able to make it. A lot of the younger dancers from the studio wouldn't be arriving until the day of the wedding. Currently Piper, Emily, Michelle, Hunter, John, Max, Amanda, Giselle, Chloe, Thalia, Eldon, West, Stephanie, Noah, and Richelle had arrived. On this particular night, they were gathered out of the deck enjoying drinks and playing a game of 'never have I ever'.

"Okay." Riley said with a chuckle after taking a sip from her can of ginger ale. "I think it's my turn now." She reached over her fiancé and pulled a card from the deck on the side table. "Oh, this is a good one." She mumbled to herself with a smirk growing on her face.

She looked up at all of her friends and read from the card. "Never have I ever walked in on anyone here having sex."

After a few seconds everyone raised their drinks and took a sip. Everyone except for James and Riley.

"Seriously?" James asked in surprise.

"How are we," Riley gestured to her and James "The only ones here not drinking?"

No one responded to her, they all just awkwardly stared at James and Riley.

"That must have been awkward." James said with a chuckle, "It wasn't all at the same time was it? Because that would just be weird."

Again no one answered, they all just look at the couple.

"Why are you all looking at us?" she asked someone nervously, exchanging a look with James.

"Well, you see." Michelle started.

"It's just that." Giselle added.

"Basically we've." Hunter continued.

"We've all caught you guys in the act." West stated.

James choked on his drink and Riley started to blush in embarrassment.

"What? All of you?" she asked, somewhat horrified. She let out a groan when everyone nodded their heads in the affirmative.

"You and James seem to suffer from a lack of discretion per say." Emily said from her position on Hunters lap.

"Oh my god." Riley mumbled horrified.

"Can I ask where and when you witness our so-called lack of discretion?" James asked wrapping an arm around his equally embarrassed fiancé.

"Riley's room." Emily said.

"The pool house." Hunter said, referring to the small building in the backyard of Emily and Riley's childhood home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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