Chapter 33

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Emily's POV
"JJ, for the last time did something happen at school today?" I ask her one more time right after leaving the house

"No" she answers offended that I don't seem to believe her.

I want to believe her but her teacher's email concerned me. JJ never had behavioral issues. Sure, she will defend herself if it comes to it, but she wouldn't do it out of nowhere. This is probably a misunderstanding.

I let her with the nanny and I leave. It is early in the afternoon but due to the season it's already dark and chill out. I pull my phone out of my pocket and I check it while walking.

Should I call him?

I hesitate to tap his name on the screen.

No. He would call himself if he was interested.

I put in back in my pocket and I walk inside the school. It's open, but it's empty. I find my way to JJ's classroom and I meet her teacher there.

"Ms. Rodes" I greet her as I walk in

"Dr. Barnes" she returns the handshake with a smile.

Her lip twitches, like she's struggling to keep it up. She's nervous. Suddenly, something in my gut tells me to run.

I take a step back as she releases my hand, but a gunshot rings through my ears. Ms. Rodes collapses with a bullet planted between her eyes.

Before I could turn and see who it is, a blade enters my lower back. I gasp.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this" a man whispers in my ear

"What?" my voice shakes as I try to stay calm despite the blade in my back.

The sound of my ringing phone interrupts him from answering me. The man pulls the knife out of my back, and I fall against one of the desks. I try to keep myself standing.

He searches me and takes my phone. "Speak of the devil" he chuckles and picks up

"Emmy?" Bucky.

"Hm..." I whine in pain

"I just got home and heard there was a parent meeting. Everything ok?" he asks

"Bucky..." my voice breaks this time

"What's wrong?" his voice betrays his concern

"Trap..." I manage to say.

And I feel the knife re-enter my back. This time my whole lower half goes numb. I can't feel anything from the waist down. I collapse on the cold floor bleeding.

"I wish it didn't have to come to this for you to understand that you need to stay out of this, Barnes. For the people"

"You're dead" Bucky says

"No, but your wife will be very soon".

He hungs up. I do him a favor and I play dead. With a small gasp, I close my eyes. I hold my breath, keeping my chest still.

Only when I hear them walk away, I start breathing again. I do my best to stay soundless in case he's still listening.

When enough time has passed and quiet has taken over, I move. I extend my hand to reach my phone from the floor. I struggle to get to it.

It hasn't stopped ringing since he hung up. I get there by literally dragging myself. I wait for the next ring and I tap on the green button.

"Emily?" he yells and I hear his motorcycle through the phone

"Bucky..." I breathe heavily

"I'm on my way, doll. Just hang on in there. I'm coming" he reassures me.

"Buck..." my breaths are getting sorter

"I'm coming, you just stay on the phone Emmy"

"I'm... I'm dying"

"No, I'm going to be there in a minute. You're going to be just fine"

"The pool of blood beneath me would disagree" I almost chuckle with tears in my eyes. "I need to tell you--"

"You're gonna tell me later, now save your energy. I'm almost there. I'm going to get you out, you're gonna heal like every other person and you're going to come home to JJ" he insists.

"I love you Bucky" I say as tears fall from my eyes


"We fought but-- We were both tired from what we've been through. Even if we came out different people I still love you. I will always love you, Bucky" I manage to speak while slowly losing my breath

"And I will always love you, Emmy" he says.

I smile through my tears "Thank you" I breathe out. "Please, look out for JJ..."

"You are coming home, Emmy. Emmy!" he yells, causing me to open my eyes again. I didn't even notice that they were closing.

Bucky's POV
My heart is pounding in my chest. I have no idea how serious the situation is, but I can literally hear her fade away.

"I love you so much doll. I never stopped. I love you more than anything in the world -maybe besides JJ. I don't care if we've changed. I don't care if you think we're no good for each other anymore. I am with you and I'll stay with you. So I need you to stay with me now. You're going stay with me and come home, because JJ needs her mom and I... I need my wife!"

"Your wife..." she whispers.

"Yes, you are my wife, and you are always right. I should have listened to you and stay home. I refuse to lose you because of my stubbornness".

She doesn't reply this time. There is absolutely silence on the other end. "Emmy? Emily!" I call, but I get no answer.

I jump out of the motorcycle and I run in the school building. I rip every door apart trying to find Emmy while calling her name.

I kick down the 5th door and I finally see her. She looks so pale while lying in a pool of her own blood. Her clothes and hair are soaked in red. She is lies completely still.

My stomach turns. I take a deep breath as I approach carefully. Her chest is still. I take her wrist and I close my eyes as I search for the slightest pulse.

"Please..." I sob as I move my finger from her wrist to her neck.

There it is. The weakest pulse. The tiniest hope.

Immediately, I pick her up from the floor and blood. I rip my jacket of me and I hold it against her wounded back.

"Hold in there for me, doll. Just a little longer" I whisper as I carry her.

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