Chapter 8 - Todoroki-kun

Depuis le début

Shortly after our last classes I met up with Todoroki outside home room. We decided to meet there and walk to the U.A Library together. I wasn't in the best mood after everything that happened during lunch time, it kept playing on my mind. I hated the way he got inside my head with his hurtful words. But I hated more, the fact that I let him.

After walking in silence for a short while Todoroki initiated conversation, he could tell something was up.

"You okay?" He asked gently.

We both naturally paused to take a moment from walking and looked toward each other. I didn't want him to ask that. It was the last thing I wanted anyone to ask when I was definitely NOT okay.

My eyes subtly began to fill up with tears but no words came out. Todoroki's face showed nothing but concern, he leaned in close and wrapped an arm around me, his touch was so gentle and warm. I felt myself give in, letting him hold me for awhile. We didn't say anything to eachother but we didn't have too. I started to feel a bit better. His kind gesture made me feel safe and fuzzy inside.

We pulled away after awhile.

"Whatever it is, it'll be okay." He said with a soft light smile.

I knew he meant it.


Bakugou lingered in a corner unnoticed as a witness to the entire thing. A throbbing pain presented itself deep in his chest, yet he failed to understand what it was. Seeing her with Todoroki like that... He had an indescribable feeling inside.

Earlier that day, after the Library incident...

"What's wrong with you? Why would you say that!" Mina yelled at him.

Bakugou scoffed.

"She was pissing me off."

"She didn't even do anything to piss you off!"

He narrowed his eyes glancing off to the side.


But Pinky was right. Y/N hadn't done anything to piss him off. Unable to admit it, it was in fact Mina who pushed his aggression to the edge this time.

The way she kept teasing about Icyhot and the damn Extra was infuriating. He didn't know why, but listening to it knocked him sick to the stomach. But he knew Y/N didn't deserve that, things between them had gotten so much better and now he'd ruined it all. He slammed his empty lunch box back into his bag, then slung it over his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Kirishima asked.

"None of your goddamn business Rockhead." He replied in a sharp tone, storming off.

He was infuriated and angry just like always, but hurt all at the same time.

'It's YOU no one even wants here.' Those words played on his mind.

It pissed him off. He spent the last two classes trying his best to concentrate but couldn't believe how much he had been thinking about her. The fucking Extra. Thoughts of Y/N clouded his mind.

The way she stared back at him showing no fear, standing up for herself... He begrudgingly admired it. Then the words she said came back to haunt him and it started to hurt again. But he pushed those feelings back deep down with all the other feelings he chose to ignore. 'Feelings are weak' he thought.

After the last class of the day ended, he caught himself watching the Extra packing up her things and got a sudden urge to go talk to her.

Mina and Kirishima came by his desk.

"I think the manly thing to do would be to apologise." Kirishima stated as politely as he could, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Fine." Bakugou huffed.

Mina and Kirishima exchanged an excited glance.

"Only if it'll keep the two of you from bothering me." He said coldly.

By now, everyone had left the classroom, Bakugou still remaining in his seat, packing away his own things. Y/N was one of the last few to leave. Thoughts began circulating in his head all scrambled. What should he actually say to her? He began to feel something in the pit of his stomach, nerves started to creep up on him.

He left the classroom and walked down empty corridors, unsure of which way Y/N had gone. Most of the students had cleared out by now. He caught her flowing hair in the corner of his eye and naturally reached his hand out, her name almost slipping from his lips. But before he had the chance, another guy came into view, it was the half-and-half bastard. Bakugou was still a distance away, he brought his hand back down unsure of when he'd raised it and began to fall back before they noticed his presence.

He watched them for a while, walking together then all of a sudden they stopped. She had turned to face the dual-quirk user, her profile visible to him. He noticed her misty eyes as tears streamed down her cheek, glistening from the light of the window.

Then half-and-half leaned in close to the Extra, and wrapped himself around her, Bakugou pulled away not wanting to see anymore.

When Heroes Collide  - Bakugou X Reader Slow BurnOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant