Chapter six

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Taylor: "Steve, we need your advice. Something happened between me and Peter while we were on a mission, and I think I might be pregnant."

Peter: "We were really drunk. We didn't mean for anything to happen, but now we can't ignore it."

Steve: "Okay, first of all, congratulations! This is a big deal, but it's also a good thing. You two really care about each other, and that's worth celebrating."

Taylor: "But what about telling Tony? He's going to flip out when he finds out we've been keeping this a secret."

Peter: "And what about our jobs? Will this affect our ability to work together?"

Steve: "I think you both need to be honest with Tony about what's been going on. He might be upset at first, but he's also your father. He loves you both and wants what's best for you."

Taylor: "But what if he gets mad that we let our personal lives get in the way of our work? We're supposed to be professionals."

Peter: "And what about the team? They're going to think we're unprofessional and unreliable."

Steve: "Look, I'm not saying it's going to be easy. But you can't keep this a secret forever. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be. And Tony deserves to know the truth."

Taylor: "Okay, okay. But how do we even start that conversation? 'Hey Dad, we had sex and now I'm pregnant?'"

Peter: "I don't think there's an easy way to do it. We just have to be honest and hope he understands."

Steve: "And if he doesn't, then we'll deal with it together. You two have my support no matter what."

Taylor: "Thanks, Steve. That means a lot to us."

Peter: "Yeah, we really appreciate your help."

Steve: "Of course. Remember, you're not alone in this. We're all here foryou."

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