The First Meeting

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Lost Silver bits into a ghost sandwich while sitting on a bench with Cindequill named Hurry by where his feet should be at. Lookin on his one friend feeling the pain building inside his chest. Only if the blood trickling down his checks whould'nt make other trainers run the other way, but he was a ghost to the rest of the poke world. So there Lost Silver sat their alone only having his pokemon for comfort.
"Come on Hurry, we should head home now..." Lost Silver sighed with his voice quiet and standing up with his body looking like he is floating and his arms that where practically gone but he could still hold the basic like a sandwich and a PokeBall.

The thick forest of this place, easy to get lost in this place but not a place no trainer whould want to venture but a perfect place for killers and ghosts. He always was alone, for no one would talk to him even though he was just like the others. Ghosts, forgotten to time while others where collecting the small little creatures that roamed the tall grass. No one knew the true horror of the Pokemon world, there was no use of catching them all.

Also In the Dark forest was Glitchy Red, He was outcastes from society, betrayed by those he thought he could trust, because he knew the truth of what was out their. The Poke World was just a world that was being puppeteered by an outside force, only people like him could see that. No one wanted to be close to him for they feared that he whoud sacrifice them, but the opposite was true, Glitchy Red did not trust anyone much after being be backstabbed he grew not to trust people. However this day he noticed him someone who looked as alone as he was. His back was to him as he walked, or what it seemed to be float in the air, he seemed to have no legs and in fact no arms, but he seemed trust worthy enough.

Lost Silver felt a hand touch his shoulder and turned to see to occupant of that hand. Dark madded hair with two red eyes like his own He looked as if he was from the first generation with his red jacket with the weight sleeves. "So your Lost Silver huh, well I don't think you know my name, it's Glichy Red," Once the hot breath entered Lost Silvers right ear he could feel his entire body shiver up with a feeling of both fear and wonder.
"Yes that is me now what are you to do to me" A squeeze exited his quivering lips. Wishing his voice sounded much more confident, like the Glichy being that stood before him. He looked to be over 6 ft maybe taller.
"No need to sound so scared, I would never do anything to hurt someone that is just like me, quiet, alone, outcasted, for you know there is no use to catching them all," Those words seemd to almost entrance Lost Silver giving him this feeling that took over the feelingg of loneliness that plaged over his body since he was always so very alone with not a small friend that could all and walk like him

That feeling still rested in him when he lied there in his house. He did not know what that feeling was, Love? Friendship? He could not have know the wiser, all he knew is that this feeling was new. Somthing he had never felt in his entire existence from being on this plane of exsistance. As Hurry rested at his feet he could feel that Hurry knew as well.
"If only I was as confident as he is, maybe I could tell him how I truly feel about him. How my heart longs for him, but what is this feeling? I honestly never felt this way before, I mean I know what a friendship feels like for I have Hurry and I feel him as a friend, but this feels more then a friendship. What can I ever imagine for this to be." Lost Silver connued to ponder into the deep evening of the night, till his eyelids felt finally heavy as he wondered one last thing, "Am I Gay for him?"

Glitchy Red was also Pondiring and was also thinking his wonders through the wildness of his imagination. He did not really understand the feeling that he felt that was slowly being built into his chest but it almost felt as if it was foren. Not knowing how to proceed this feeling he fell asleep in the night dreaming of being the closes he could possibly be with Lost Silver, but he would have never imagined thiss dream whould ever become a reality.

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Lost Gliched Love ( Glichy Red x Lost Silver)Where stories live. Discover now