Chapter two

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A few weeks after Peter started working at Stark Industries, he received an unexpected invitation from Taylor to visit the Avengers compound. Tony Stark had offered to give him a tour of the facility and introduce him to some of the other team members.

Peter was excited and nervous about the opportunity, but he eagerly accepted. He arrived at the compound early in the morning, and Taylor was waiting for him in the lobby.

"Hey Peter! Are you ready for the tour?" she asked, giving him a friendly smile.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Peter replied, feeling a little starstruck as he followed her down the hallway.

As they walked through the expansive building, Peter couldn't help but feel amazed by the advanced technology and design. Everywhere he looked, he saw evidence of the Avengers' incredible abilities and resources.

Finally, they reached the main training area, where they were greeted by Tony Stark himself.

"Hey there, Spider-Boy," Tony said, grinning at Peter's nervous expression. "Ready to meet the rest of the team?"

Peter nodded eagerly, and Tony led him over to a group of people who were gathered around a holographic display. Peter recognized some of them from news reports and social media, but he had never met any of them in person.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Peter Parker. He's a new recruit at Stark Industries, and he's got a lot of potential," Tony announced.

The various Avengers greeted Peter warmly, asking him questions about his work at Stark Industries and his experiences as Spider-Man. Peter was thrilled to be talking to people he admired so much, and he felt a sense of camaraderie with the team members.

Over the course of the day, Peter learned more about the Avengers' individual strengths and personalities. He even got to witness a training session between Captain America and Black Widow, which left him in awe of their skills.

As the day drew to a close, Tony pulled Peter aside for a private conversation.

"You know, kid, I think you've got what it takes to be an Avenger someday. Keep up the good work," he said, clapping Peter on the shoulder.

Peter felt a rush of pride and excitement at the thought of joining the team one day. But for now, he was content to continue working hard at Stark Industries and building his skills as Spider-Man.

As he said goodbye to Taylor and the rest of the team, he knew that this day would be one of the highlights of his career. And he couldn't wait to see what other adventures lay ahead.

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