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Chan walks up to Y/n's house and rings the doorbell. Y/n's mom opens the door.

Mom: Uhh hello uhh what's your name again?

Suddenly Y/n appears next to her mom.

Y/n: Mom, It's Chan, you keep forgetting his name.

Mom: Ohh Channie, it's you, my little cutie patootie! I saw your new post on Facebook! You look so charming in that black jacket! Such a handsome boy!

Y/n gave her mom a biggest and the most slay side eye she ever did.

Y/n: Yeah Chan maybe we should go to my room?

Chan just nodded his head and came inside the house while Y/n's mom was watching them going upstairs with a widest smile ever. She took out her phone and opened Chan's Facebook post.

Mom: Oh, Chan, you look so hot, I've never met such a handsome man like you... I wish you knew what I feel to you...

She closed Facebook blushing hardly and went back to the kitchen.

My boyfriend is a werewolf (BangChan x Y/n) NOT FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now