[#4 : Chase The Demon] 🍉

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" I'm an angel with a shotgun
Fighting till the war's won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back ! "

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[ #4 : Chase The Demon ] : iBella
In Heaven, Bella gets called by the Archangel whom assigned her a task— chase a demon who escaped the Tower of Hell.

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( Note : this is kind of dialogue heavy :/ )

Heaven's air felt like a soft breeze today. Angels fly around, moderating Roblox guidelines and taking care of the three guests- the leading gods of another universe : Russo, Sabrina and DJ Monopoli.

Its youngest hunter-angel so far didn't care about them, and has just been flying through new nooks and crannies. Every practice day, she became better and better. She became swifter, more agile, and her skills became more versatile as time goes.

She gets small tasks for the time being despite her job having a surprising lack of members. You see, her task as an hunter-angel is that to give harsh punishments to whoever evades their ban or banishment to Hell.

"Bella, we have something new for you." One of the archangels called for her with a gentle tone, one that tasted like lemon mentos.

Being an obedient person she is, she followed them to the place where meetings among hunter angels are usually held. The gate opens and both of them enter as it closes itself once again. They travel to a long hallway with only them as the guests, and it was quiet for a few minutes.

A few moments later, the archangel spoke, and started to get serious with their voice. They surrounded Bella with their aura. One that specifically felt condescending and implied that the situation is super serious.

"You see, iBella, there is one that... escaped hell, via the Tower." The archangel starts the meeting officially. Bella sits on one of the chairs, confused and nervous about the whole ordeal.

She could only nod. "So... you want me to chase them? Isn't escaping the Tower impos-?" She inquired in a curious manner, but was cut off.

"Hush now, dear. I am not finished." They warned the watermelon addict and made her quiet. They continued, "but yes, it was impossible until we saw their skill."

Bella stood up, full of questions. "Wait wait wait, how long did it take for them to escape it? What do they look like? How exactly did they escape? Why does the job look too hard for me, I'm not that good yet-" she rambled, but she seemed to be cut off once again.

"BELLA." The archangel shouted and that made her soundless once more, and they sighed. "Yes, you're not fit for it yet, but currently we are lacking the presence of other hunter angels to actually take care of them. You'll have to do it alone."

"Oh." Wordless, she can't find anything else to say.

"I tried talking to the guardians, but they're busy talking to the second. They said it's about him assisting a person up to the tower, but nothing else." They lift a finger up and continued, "so, we don't have any other details about their appearance. We do know that the Second Guardian assisted the escapee up, which is a problem for us. They're in hell for a reason, and The Tower of Hell was meant to be designed as inescapable." They drew on the board, sketching three groups of stages.

"One of the guardians watch over Stage Fifty to Seventy. The Second observes one hundred to one hundred and ten. The third guards the final stage. I assume that the Second went didn't care that he went past the stage he was guarding." The archangel rambled more and more, leaving their fellow a bit bored. "And I assume that the escapee isn't a normal demon. How else could he escape the guardians? IN THIRTY FIVE MINUTES no less! There's gotta be some witchcraft performance!" They broke their chalk in rage, but turned back to Bella.

"But, if you manage to actually catch this demonic creature, I'll ascend you to the highest position. If not, I'll ask for assistance from the other hunter angels to take care of it. Nothing will change for you." Their rage turned into sweet smiles a second after. This was creeping her out, how the heck does this angel change their feelings too much? Mood swings? Natural emotions? They look up at them, who began to talk once again.

The archangel started to draw more stages. "If we finally get that creature, we're gonna attach more stages. Two hundred and fifty sounds good, doesn't it?"

Bella only muttered a 'yes' before the archangel continued.

"Oh, and by the way, there's restrictions to humanity in this world. You're gonna be turned to a normal human while you're on the journey. Not fully, though." They recalled, which perked the girl up. This was so exciting! Continuing on, their boss started drawing even more stuff on the blackboard, explaining as they go. "Sometimes you could activate your angelic prowess at your own will, or sometimes even inadvertently. That's nothing huge though, I don't think it's that hard to hide that fact. Just say you changed your avatar. And, demons also perform this method too, so I guarantee that the person who escaped the tower must be a half-human now. But sometimes they even get exposed by pesky humans! Also... just a small fact but, you can't see demonic halos when you're a mere teenager. The devils can't see your angelic halo either."

"Oh, so they're invisible. Do actual humans see the halos?" She inquired, waiting for answers.

The angel thought about it, as if it's digging their mind right now. "Hmm, yes. But they can't tell you when they do see it. You won't hear it. The only thing to find them is to see their transformations yourself or for them to get exposed by the humans first." After explaining, the looked back and asked, "do... you still want to take it? It's hard and I'm well aware."

"Are you kidding? I do!" iBella smiled, thumbs up with a smile reaching her ears. She's not giving up just because the mission is hard. This is a hot pot of possibilities! And responsibilities, futures, everything she could have to fit in.

"Well then, let's start commencing the mission, shall we?" They erased the board and brought out a small book with their magical hands, and cast a white magic spell...

And the next thing Bella knew is that she's floating down to the ground, eyes blurry. She spawned once again to the scene, and saw an infinite staircase that goes a box-ish spiral.

"Whoever you are, foul demon, you're not escaping from me."

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Word Count : 1121

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