"We'll go back and see if we can find her there"

The others nodded, Klaus knew he could leave his daughter alone unlike the others.

Jed and Raphael had no luck finding another lead, same with Mg, Josie and Penelope.

However, Hope found a trail of blood and a piece of cloth, which only made her suspect that a wolf had found her.

Hope heard a small whimper and remembered the rules, don't scare, don't anger, don't look crazy, don't chase.

The tribrid followed the slight sniffles and saw a blond girl pressed against a tree, two wolves in front of her.

Hope saw that one of them was limping and if the blonde had anything to do with it, she's in big trouble.

The tribrid emerged from hiding and whistled once loudly.

Her eyes flashed gold, "go back to school" she said.

The wolves growled.

"That wasn't a question," she said again, now standing next to Lizzie, which scared her.

Shit thought Hope, don't be alarmed.

She heard the blonde's heart leap and start beating much faster.

The wolves left their prey again willingly, much to the relief of Hope, who now gave the blonde her full attention.

She took a few steps towards her and inspected her arm, definitely a wolf bite.

Lizzie's hands started glowing red and a few seconds later Hope was thrown against a tree.

"Don't  scare her," Hope murmured.

The Tribrid got back to her feet and stared at the girl who was definitely scared.

"I won't hurt you okay, your friends and mom are here too, we're looking for you" Hope explained.

Lizzie bit her lip as her arm let out a sharp pain.

Hope took a few steps towards her.

"Can I see that?" asked Hope.

Lizzie hesitated and looked around for her options.

"Can I" asked Hope again, this time Lizzie nodded.

Hope held out her hand and Lizzie carefully rested her arm on it.

Hope rolled up the sweater sleeve.

Hope eyed the wound, Lizzie winced as she touched it.

"I'm Hope," she tried to start small talk.

The blonde stared at her, "Lizzie" she murmured.

Hope smiled, "well then Lizzie we have to take care of that but I don't have anything with me here so let's go back to school where your friends are already waiting" Hope explained softly and stroked a strand of hair behind Lizzie's ear.

Lizzie watched Hope closely and nodded.

They were just about to start running when Lizzie looked around in panic.

"My chain" she said in panic.

Hope looked at her in surprise, "we can get it later"

"No" Tears streamed from Lizzie's eyes as she felt the floor.

"No no no no" she murmured, digging her fingernails into her skin.

Hope knew she was having a panic attack so she did the next thing that came to her mind.

She pulled the blonde's face towards her and stared into her eyes.

The blonde's desperate eyes merged with hopes, encouraging.

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