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"Quiet please!" Alaric yelled and the students slowly fell silent.

"Today I'm introducing a new student," he explained.

At that moment a tall blond girl came through the door.

Hope was staring at her, her blonde waves perfectly matching her face and her blue eyes shimmering.

"Introduce yourself," Alaric said, gesturing toward the crowd of students.

"My name is Elisabeth but you can call me Lizzie" she explained with much disinterest.

"Where are you from and what are you?" A student asked.

Lizzie looked at Alaric and he nodded, "I'm the devil's daughter"

It was quiet nobody said a word.

Some began to whisper, others to laugh.

"Now tell us where you're really from" laughed a boy from the second row.

Lizzie glared at him, her eyes becoming red flames that danced.

It was quiet again, then a whistle could be heard.

Lizzie rolled her eyes and closed them, concentrating on her thoughts and smiling as she sensed her father's presence.

A tall man entered the room, he had a black suit and also blond hair, he was muscular and clearly dominant.

Alaric was talking to him in a low voice, warming him up. Lizzie looked at all the students and stopped at Hope.

Hope stared back at her.

"And where's the hot mom?" asked a voice from the back rows.

Lizzie's father fell silent, Lizzie glare at him.

"Elisabeth's mother is no longer alive," he explained, "and if you value your life, you shouldn't mention it anymore," he gestured at Lizzie, who clearly didn't find this very amusing.

Alaric informed Lizzie of everything and assigned her to a room.

Lizzie said goodbye to her father with a simple handshake and Josie, the headmaster's daughter, led Lizzie to her room.

"So here it is" she explained, "you share a room with Hope"

"Thank you" Lizzie said coldly and opened the door, she stepped in and saw a girl lying on the bed and reading a book.

"Hey Hope" Josie smiled.

Hope ignore her.

Josie said goodbye and disappeared.

Lizzie sighed and sat down on the empty bed.

With a quick movement of the hand, suitcases appeared in front of her, the contents of which she then neatly sorted into a cupboard.

Hope watched her, which made Lizzie smile.

She pulled a picture out of her suitcase.

It was her with her mother, Lizzie was little but she remembered that day.

She put it on the bedside table and caught a glimpse of Hope who now had her nose in the book again.

"Hope right" Lizzie asked.

"Yes" she said quickly.

"You're the one and only tribrid," Lizzie asked.

"You've heard from me?" Hope asked curiously.

Lizzie gave a short laugh, "I've heard a lot"

Hope raised an eyebrow and looked at her questioningly.

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