How can we only be like this when we're high?

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Lizzie held the weed to her mouth and took a deep breath.

"I think you are beautiful" Hope smiled at the blonde.

Lizzie giggle, "I think you're beautiful too"

"You must be very high to say that" Hope laughed and shook her head.

"Hey" the blonde protested, "You're high too but I'm serious when you smile your cheeks are so cute, sometimes they blush"

"You should smile more often," the blonde finally concluded.

"You're a stalker," the auburn haired smiled.

"See" point Lizzie at Hope's face, "this is so cute"

"Aww" the blonde jumped up and hopped over to the older one, patting her face.

"Lizzie" Hope said annoyed and held her hands.

"Now tell me what you like about me" Lizzie asked, looking at Hope expectantly.

"I like when you defend Josie, when you're upset you always make that face and I like your hands" Hope smiled and linked them together, "also I like your voice and your eyes and your character"

"My character, that's stupid, I'm rude and mean," Lizzie said, looking a little sad.

Hope took her chin in her hand and turned it towards her, "Yes your character, you are caring when you love someone, you are sensitive and funny as well" said the older one and connected her hands again.

Lizzie laid her head against Hope's.

"How come we can only be like this when we're high?" asked Hope.

"It's not my fault," Lizzie said, sticking her nose in the air.

"Of course not" Hope smiled and turned her head back to herself.

"It's Josie's fault," Hope said, laying her head on Lizzie's neck.

"What?" Lizzie asked confused, laying her head on Hope's.

She stroked her hair and waited for Hope to continue.

"Josie told you I told everybody about your first episode" Hope stopped, "but I never did"

Nobody said a word for a while.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" Lizzie asked.

"Because you were happy" smiled the older one.

"I am happy with you-"

"Lizzie we've been like this for a few hours and-"

"No Mikaelson, no one ever said things like that to me"

"Nobody," Lizzie whispered, hugging Hope closer.

"We're probably forget that anything of this ever happened" Hope whispered back.

"Then let's make this special" Lizzie smiles softly.

"How" Hope asked, looking up straight into Lizzie's eyes.

Lizzie chuckle before leaning in and kiss the Lips from the older girl.

After they break apart they both smiled.

"That was Special" Hope say and hugging her again.

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