Nerd Fight

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You pouted as he insisted on the conversation "No! A three-headed Godzilla definitely wins against a double-headed Medusa!". You cross your arms over your chest "But if they look at her she'll turn them to stone!". He rolled his eyes "Please, they can cut off her head!". You made a humph noise "She has two heads! Besides, Godzilla isn't as quick as her, she's a snake! She can simply wrap around him and look him in the yes and they'll freeze!".

He grew red "He's strong! He can just rip them off! Besides, he has three heads! He can use them to go against her!". You adjusted your glasses "No! She wins! Her scales can scratch him so he'll be weak and won't be able to win against her!".

He sighed and held his hands up "Fine, I can't go up against a nerd" he said, giving up. You smiled proudly and hugged him. He hugged you back and pecked his cheek "Now, let's go get icecream!". He shook his head and smiled "Alright, nerd". You poked his rib "Alright, handsome".

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