"Yeah, so..." You finally speak up, "My grandparents are going to let us use their car tomorrow."

"Oh, good!" Nara grins. "I'm so excited to go, I haven't been to a fair since... last year?" she attempts to recall, "I went with Yujin last time too, I think."

Yujin says something after being muted with his camera off for the past five minutes. His tone sounds like he's just remembered what Nara is talking about, audio partly muffled. "Mhm, yeah, that small fair by the boardwalk." It sounds like he's trying to brush it off.

Gyuvin dramatically pats his palm on the space on his chest above his heart, "And you both didn't invite me?" He gasps, "You met because of me in the first place!"

Nara and Yujin both ignore what whines come from between Gyuvin's lips, opting to listen to Ricky when he brings up another topic. "What are the plans for tomorrow?"

"Oh! I just remembered," Gunwook chimes in, snapping his fingers in realisation, "Junhyeon said there's a bonfire tomorrow night at the beach, if you all wanna come with me."

You've never gone to a bonfire before. Honestly, you're not even really sure what people do at one. Isn't it just fire? How is that entertaining at all?

But you suppose everyone else would have already been to one. They live near the beach, for god's sake-- you would be surprised if they hadn't. You, however, weren't a big fan of the beach; the saltwater, the junk floating in the ocean, the hermit crabs, the sand getting in the cracks among your toes... the beach is gross.

"I'll go," Seungeon announces. The rest of them concur with him, each saying they're free to join Gunwook at the bonfire, but you're still hesitant. You'll probably be tired after all the rides at the fair, and not to mention, it'd be pretty late too; how would you get home?

"Y/n?" Eunah's voice interrupts your train of thought, "How about you?"

You have no choice but to say no. You don't like the beach, and why would you subject yourself to watching a fire for the entire night? What is the fire even gonna do? What would you even do there? And if you did want to go, it'd be late when you go home-- it wouldn't be safe for you to walk back alone at night. "I think I won't go this time, sorry."

"That's okay," Nara says, "you don't need to apologise!"

You can see Yujin furrow his brows through the shitty facetime quality. "Y/n, are you sure you don't wanna go?"

It sounds like he wants you to go with them, but that can't be it. Why would he want you to go with him when he has Nara? They went to the fair together last year, so...

The word 'no' rests on the tip of your tongue; are you a hundred percent sure you didn't wanna spend more time with them? With Yujin, nonetheless-- you were just thinking about wanting to get closer to them, anyway, right?

Nope. Even if he does want you to go, all the reasons why you didn't will still exist; you attempt to convince yourself not to give in again (like you did with Nara and Gyuvin and the minivan) by imagining everything you hate about the beach.

"Yeah, I'll pass."


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