Chapter 46 - Brighter than a Thousand Suns

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World Cup Riots still under investigation. House-Elf of high-ranking Ministry Offical prime suspect
A summary of what the Ministry has let slip so far, collected suspicions and conspiracies, and one final look at the impending Quidditch season by the one and only Rita Skeeter.

Weeks after the convulsing commotion around the 422nd Quidditch World Cup, the Ministry of Magic has yet to clear the incident. While the house-elf of Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Co-operation, was allegedly accused of conjuring the Dark Mark, the identities of the witches and wizards posing as Death-Eaters remain unknown.

Meanwhile, the preparations for a new season of League Quidditch are well underway. With the Montrose Magpies opening the season this Friday, eyes are trained on their new Chaser, Elizabeth Jameson. After dominating the gossip column for the better part of the year, it will remain to be seen if Jameson can hold our attention with her performance as well.

Whether or not the Magpies will be able to defend their perpetual claim to the title will be for one of my well-esteemed colleagues to judge because, in the face of rumours stirring at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, my time as your trusted Quidditch reporter has come to an end.

The second half of the summer seemed to have flown by. It had taken a little while for everyone to settle into their routines again after the events of the Quidditch World Cup, but eventually, Lizzie felt like she had finally arrived in Montrose for good.

Every minute she wasn't training with her new team, she spent with Orion. It was a strange thought at first, them being a couple again, especially with having to hide from everyone but their immediate family and friends.

After careful consideration, they decided to inform both their teams, too. It was a risky thing to do, especially for Lizzie, but she finally felt at home with her new club, and starting her time in Montrose with a lie didn't feel like the right thing to do. As it turned out, there was no reason for her to be nervous. The Magpies weren't as cold and unforgiving as Orion had experienced them, and with Lizzie's effort against them during the season finale fresh on everybody's mind, the team took it better than she could have hoped for.

After weeks of rigorous preparation, the first match of the season had finally arrived. Lizzie had felt the nerves beginning to build days in advance, but by the time the Magpies gathered in their changing room and were putting on their robes, she was convinced she'd be sick on the floor if she only opened her mouth to speak.

As she sat amid the hustle and bustle, staring at her new black-and-white robes, Lizzie realised that, for the first time, she was all on her own. Her entire career, she'd had at least Skye by her side, and Lizzie suddenly found that she missed her loud, obnoxious friend greatly.

Sensing her preoccupation, a couple of her new teammates gave Lizzie encouraging smiles, which she did her best to reciprocate, but it only helped a little. Stifling a sigh, she flexed her wrist; she hadn't thought about her topaz necklace in weeks, but now she was acutely aware of the lack of the stone against her pulse. She put the thought aside. The necklace was gone, and it couldn't be helped now; she had to do this on her own.

"Oi, Jameson! Where do you think you're going?"

Lizzie's head whipped around, her face splitting into a smile as she saw Skye marching down the path to where Lizzie and her team had lined up, waiting to be called onto the pitch. Behind her, Orion was walking, his hands buried in his pockets and a smirk playing around his lips. The other Magpies pointedly looked the other way as Lizzie broke away to meet her friends.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Our match is tomorrow," Skye shrugged casually. "Can't hurt to check out the competition, can it?"

"You never said a word you were coming!" Lizzie called out, meeting Orion's sparkling eyes with a laugh.

"Where would the thrill of surprise be if we knew everything the stars have in store for us?" he said. "Speaking of surprises - we have something for you."

He held out a small, black box wrapped in white ribbon to Lizzie. Handing Skye her broomstick, she took it from him with her eyebrows raised.

"A gift?"

"No, a Mandrake," Skye rolled her eyes. "Of course it's a gift. So you won't forget where you're coming from now that you're playing with the champions... for now. Better not get used to it."

"We'll see about that," Lizzie grinned.

Clearing her throat, Skye passed Lizzie's Silverswift to Orion and touched her fingers to her temple. "Gotta go and see what those new stands of yours have to offer. Don't hold up our champion, Captain. Jameson."

Orion waited until Skye was gone. When he was sure no one was watching, he wrapped his arms around Lizzie and pulled her close.

"I'm so proud of you," he murmured, and Lizzie smiled against his chest as she hugged him back. "You always were destined for greatness, and now you have surpassed us all."

He kissed her, shortly and sweetly. Holding her by the shoulders, the corners of his mouth rose into the slightly mischievous smile Lizzie loved so much.

"Don't you want to open that?"

Not having to be told twice, Lizzie undid the white ribbon and raised the lid off the box. Her eyes widened as she lifted the delicate gold necklace inside off its cushion, letting the glittering chain run through her fingers until its pendant rested in her hand. It was a yellow topaz, just like the last one, only this time, it was set in the centre of a blazing, golden sun.

Her eyes found Orion's.

"I don't even know what to say."

"Then don't," he answered with a smile. "A sun for a sun, to remind you of your light and fire, always."

Swallowing the emotions rising in her throat, Lizzie let Orion wrap the necklace around her wrist. Having shared one last kiss and word of encouragement, he left, Lizzie watching him climb the stands until he was out of sight.

Her heart fluttering in her chest, Lizzie returned to her team with a bounce in her step. Finally, all the pieces had fallen into place. She and Orion had followed their own paths, and through all the bends and turns, they had come out on top together. They were shining in their own rights now - one silver, one gold - but together, they were burning brighter than a thousand suns.

As the music began to play, Lizzie mounted her Silverswift. Beyond the gate, the announcer was calling their names, the fans cheering and chanting, Skye and Orion among them. The stadium walls began to flash in black and white, making them look like a giant magpie taking flight, and goosebumps spread on Lizzie's arms as she pulled her thoughts from the ranks and onto the pitch in front of her.

Everything but the blue sky above her and the broomstick in her hands faded away. They were all that mattered now.

It was time for her to fly.


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