Chapter 24 - Cross the Line

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Orion had never minded being on his own, but with the prospect of spending Christmas with no one but his dismal thoughts for company, he had accepted his friends Murphy and Katriona's invitation to their house in Kenmare gladly.

Lizzie's decision to return to Matthew had caught him unaware, to put it mildly. After her fight with Skye with Kenmare, she had picked up her bag and left without another word, and Orion had waited for her to come and talk to him in vain. When he had seen her next, she had been by Matthew's side, his hand on her back and her engagement ring flashing on her hand.

Katriona and Murphy were doing their best to distract him from his brooding thoughts, but Orion found it hard to share their festiveness, and kept mostly to himself. But giving his friends space was only part of the reason for his self-imposed solitude; every time he saw them stealing kisses under the mistletoe or cuddling up on the sofa, he was reminded of Lizzie and what he had foolishly thrown away, and every time, it hurt a little more.

The end of the year came with rain and thunderstorms. Like most evenings, Orion was sitting on the ground in front of this window, listening to the heavy drops patter against the glass. It was a peaceful sound, and Orion was doing his best to capture the feeling, but in his head a storm matching the one outside was raging. He thought of the raindrops falling from the sky, how they were whipped about by the merciless winds. They had nothing to hold onto, to steady themselves. All they could do was fall.

A knock on the door broke him from his gloomy thoughts.

"Orion?" Katriona's voice sounded from the other side. "Can I come in?"

The door opened and Katriona entered the room, a tray with two steaming mugs floating behind her. She cast a searching look around, shaking her head when she spotted Orion sitting on the floor.

"I spent a fortune on the furniture, just so you know. Here," she held a bronze, owl-shaped mug out to him, "everything's better with some eggnog. Don't worry, it's vegan."

Orion arched his eyebrows but accepted the mug anyway. "I wouldn't exactly call eggnog vegan."

"Just say thank you."

The corners of Orion's mouth twitched as he blew against his drink. "Thank you."

Katriona took the second cup - this one in the colours of the Caerphilly Catapults - and sat in the armchair next to the window. Both of them were quiet as they drank. A warm feeling soon spread through Orion's body, and not only from the eggnog. Katriona's presence calmed him; no matter how strong the storm was he was weathering, her friendship always was a fire to find shelter at.

"Don't think I didn't notice you leaving night after night," Katriona said after a while. "Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?"

Orion contemplated her question, then shook his head. "I only wanted to give you and Murphy space to enjoy the Christmas you had planned."

"Don't worry, we're enjoying it alright," Katriona giggled, the slight flush on her cheeks telling Orion that this wasn't her first eggnog of the night. Her chuckle faded as she set her cup aside. "Orion, I've known you for half my life. I can see that something's wrong with you. More than usual, that is."

Despite himself, her teasing made Orion laugh. "With the light of your friendship shining through the winter storm, how could there be anything wrong? I feel better just for knowing that you're here."

Katriona hummed in response. "But I'm not the one you wished were here right now, am I?"

Orion's smile dropped. "No."

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