Doc: They underestimated you.

Y/N: You're trying to find excuses for why I won.

Doc: I'm not. Actually, I'm very happy that you won. It gave me a better insight on how strong stage four really is.

Y/N: Yeah, so what now? Do I go after the rest of the group or what?

Doc: There is one, very important thing I need you to do.

Y/N: Alright, what is it?

Doc: You need to get into the Seven.

MJ: Doc please, we can't let him do that. They're not good for him.

Doc: I know, but he's our only chance of destroying Compound V for good.

Y/N: Hold on for a sec. You wanna destroy V? Why?

Doc: I just want this Supe pandemic to end. And that's the only way of ending it.

Y/N: Getting rid of V won't stop Supes from existing. There are plenty of them that are on perma V. What do we do with those?

Doc: They need to be killed.

Y/N: How? They're too strong.

Doc: We will find a way. They're strong, that's correct, but they're not unbeatable.

Y/N: As long as I won't be the one that'll have to hunt them down and kill them, I'll be fine.

Doc: You will.

Y/N: Uh, no thanks Doc. I've had enough of fighting superhumans.

MJ: I'll have to agree with him on that one, Doc. Him getting into the Seven and putting an end to Compound is fine, but then? That's it, he's done.

The doctor paused for a few seconds before nodding.

Doc: You're right. I pushed a little too far, I'm sorry.

Y/N: It's okay Doc, no worries. I'll just have to get into the Seven and everything will be fine.

Doc: Do you know how to do it?

Y/N: Reggie said the Seven are willing to take me in after my fight against Flash. Looks like they finally see my potential.

Doc: If that's so, it's perfect. Contact him and see that you can get in there as fast as possible.

Y/N: I have to give him a call, MJ, can I use your phone?

MJ: Okay, let's get outside. Thank you Doctor, for everything.

Y/N: Yup, big thanks Doc.

He just nodded with a smile and told us goodbye before going back to attend his own business.

MJ: So you wanna call Reggie and tell him you have a suit that supplies you with V?

She asked as we left the building.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess he'll find out either way. It's not a detail that you can miss, right?

I asked as I examined my armoured arms.

MJ: I don't think he's gonna be too happy about it.

Y/N: He won't, but he has no choice. The Seven will take me in, I'm a valuable partner now. I'm even faster than Reggie.

MJ: What if they throw him out because of you?

Y/N: They won't.

MJ: They very likely will, actually.

Y/N: I don't want to take his place away from him.

MJ: But you'll have to. Don't tell me you'll pull out if they have to choose between you and him.

Y/N: That would suck.

MJ: You can't let this chance slide, it's the only one we have.

Y/N: You want me to throw him out?

MJ: You won't be throwing him out, you'll just take his place. That's two entirely different things.

Y/N: I guess we'll have to wait and see. Or rather, you'll have to wait and I'll have to see. Can I have your phone real quick?

MJ: Oh right, here you go.

I took the phone that she handed to me and called Reggie, who picked up pretty quickly.

Reggie: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, hi, it's me.

Reggie: You wanna meet up?

Y/N: I do.

Reggie: At your place?

Y/N: Can we meet at Vought Tower?

Reggie: Vought Tower? Why there? We never meet over there.

Y/N: I'm ready to join you guys.

Reggie: But, I didn't even give you your V?

Y/N: I know, we found a different solution to my little problem.

Reggie: And what would that be?

Y/N: Let's meet there and you'll see for yourself.

Reggie: Okay then, let's meet up now.

Y/N: See you in a sec.

I said as I hung up and gave the phone back to MJ.

MJ: Thanks.

She said as she took the phone back from me.

Y/N: Are you worried?

MJ: No, I'm okay.

Y/N: I can see that you worry about all of this.

MJ: Well, you're about to be accepted in a Supe criminal gang, so yes, I'm a little worried for you.

Y/N: There's no reason for that. Everything will be fine, okay? Trust me.

MJ: How can you know? You don't know what's going on inside that Tower. We only see what they want us to see.

Y/N: That's true, but I'm not just some random weak human now, am I? I can defend myself.

MJ: Just please, make it quick, okay? Let them take you in and introduce yourself or whatever, and get out of there.

Y/N: Just like that? They'll think I'm running away from them.

MJ: Just act normal. Tell them you have some other things to attend to.

Y/N: Which would be what?

MJ: Me?

I chuckled.

Y/N: Right, we still have a date today. I did not forget about that.

MJ: Yes, you did.

Y/N: I would never.

She just rolled her eyes and gave me a kiss.

MJ: Go, your new friends are waiting for you.

Y/N: I'll be back as soon as I can.

I promised before I ran off to the Tower.

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