Sunny began to cry again. "No, I can't leave you"

"You...have to...get out" she coughed, some blood trickling down the corner of her mouth.


Her mother placed her bloody hand on Sunny's shoulder.

"I love and your brother... must get..."

"Momma?" She shook her shoulders. "Momma!!!!"

Her mother was unresponsive, she now had the same vacant look in her eyes as her brother did.

The horses and loud pops were drawing closer.

She was on her own now. Swallowing the dry lump in her throat, she grabbed the axe, and fled into the woods.

The first and second years were well into their combat class. Focusing on hand-to-hand combat, they were put into sparring pairs.

Annie was paired up with Eren Jeager. A cocky and at times whiny boy that Mikasa had some weird attachment to.

"Just because you're a girl doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you.". He said with a smirk.

Annie remained stoic. Remembering all the fights in her village, she wasn't worried about this idiot.

She got into her fighting stance, as Eren made the first move.

She quickly dodged he punch, moving around him.

"You missed" she said flatly.

He came at her again, managing to brush his knuckle across her cheek. It stung a bit, but wasn't the worst pain Annie had experienced.

Eren went for the quick attack, swinging his leg in a round house kick.

Annie dropped to a crouch, using one on her hands to grip his ankle and pulled him off his feet.

He landed on his a** with a thud. He tried to pop back up, but Annie put her boot to his throat.

"I'd yield if I were you" she said, giving him an icy stare.

"Excellent Ms. Leonhart." Captain Nanaba said. "You found his weakness quick and took advantage of it."

She looked to Eren. "And you are too quick to attack, and to re-attack when you failed the first time. I keep telling you, you need to focus on your defense as well."

"Yes Captain" Eren said, slightly embarrassed.

Nanaba walked away going to look in on Mina and Hanna.

"And here I thought that people from
Shiganshina were strong" Annie said.

"Say Annie" came a cold voice.

Annie turned around.

Mikasa was walking towards them. "I'm from Shiganshina. Why we don't trade. Eren can pair up with Samuel, and I'll fight you."

"Fine by me" Annie said cooly.

"Hey Annie and Mikasa are gonna spar" Reiner said.

Soon the pages began to crowd around the circle.

"Captain Nabana are you ok with this?" Armin asked.

"I kinda want to see how this plays out" she said with a sly smile.

Mikasa struck first. Annie tried to dodge but Mikasa had pulled the fake, and caught Annie in the shoulder.

Annie spun away gripping her shoulder. Mikasa couldn't help but smirk. She came at her again, this time Annie was able to parry her swing. She hooked Mikasa's arm and swung her to the ground.

Before Annie could put her foot down, Mikasa flipped back up, like a cat. Landing in a crouch she was quick to pop up into a round house kick.

Annie felt the slight breeze from Mikasa's boot coming so close to her face.

The two continued to exchange blows and blocks. But neither one was backing down.

Mikasa then ran towards Annie, but instead of staying on her feet she slid to the ground. She cut Annie's leg's out from under her.

Annie feel to the ground, but quickly rolled onto her side using her legs to trap Mikasa's leg.

Both on the ground the two got into crouching positions ready to launch at one another with a loud voice interrupted them.

"I'm afraid we will have to call it a draw for today."

Captain Mike made his way into the training grounds.

"We still have 20 minutes of class left." Captain Nanaba said.

"Classes are cancelled for the rest of the day. Erwin needs to speak with Captains, apparently it's urgent"

Nanaba frowned at Mike's serious tone. Erwin wasn't one to cancel classes so lightly.

"Alright, pages you are dismissed" she said.

"Finally, I'm starving" Sasha said making a bee-line for the dining hall.

Kaya was brushing her big sis's horse, promising to take care of him while she was at the Academy.

"Yeah I miss her too, but she's going to become such a great knight"

She reached into her apron and handed the horse a sugar cube. As the horse ate, Kaya heard a rustling in the woods.

It sounded like foot steps.

"Who would be coming from the woods?" Kaya muttered, scanning the tree line.

She didn't see anything, so she went back to brushing.

Then the rustling got louder. Someone was definitely coming. She took a deep breath, trying to channel the courage her sister had. Reaching into her apron, she gripped the small knife Sasha had given her.

The sound got louder, and her gripped tightened.

Then her fear turned into shock as a young girl stumbled out of the woods.

She looked tired, dirty, and hungry. Kaya couldn't be sure but it looked like she had blood on her ragged dress.


Then she collapsed to the ground.

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