A Proper Lady

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Sasha hurried her way back home to Blaus stables. Her face still flushed from meeting Connie. Looking at her clothes she already knew she was in trouble, the dirt under her nails, and the dead squirrels in her pelt bag were sure to send the maid over the edge. But it was her mother who would be more upset.  Sasha didn't doubt that her mother loved her, in fact, as Marie the maid had told her once, it was why she was so hard on her.

"She just wants what is best for you dear. Your goal in life is to marry into a proper family, help grow the family business, grow your social status. Sasha as the eldest daughter and no sons, it's your responsibility to marry a well do to man, a Duke or Lord. Especially with your family's connections to the royal family"

"But what if I don't love him?", Sasha had asked as Marie had finished braiding her hair.

"You don't understand now, but one day you will. As a woman, it doesn't matter if your love him or not. In fact you don't get much say in anything" Marie said sadly.

"But Mother loves Father."

"Yes, and they were both very lucky to fall in love." Marie said.

"Well I want a love my mother and father, or to be a swordsman"

Sasha remembered that conversation as she attempted to sneak into the back of the manor. She left the squirrels in the butcher shed where Marie's husband will skin and butcher them.

"Sasha Anne Blaus"

Busted. Sasha recoiled at the stern tone she knew all too well.

"Where have you been? Lady Bernard and her son are due to arrive soon or did you forget??"

"I was just put in the woods squirrel hun— catching up on my nature lessons" Sasha said, trying to hide her dirty hands.

"Oh heavens you were out squirrel hunting or were you fighting again?" Lisa Blaus crossed her arms. "Never mind, I'll deal with it later, upstairs with you now"

"Marie draw a bath for Sasha, get the squirrel smell off her please" Lisa said kindly to Marie. Without her she would have a much harder time keeping an eye on Sasha.



"Well if you wouldn't get so filthy in the woods, I would have to scrub so hard" Marie said, panting at the effort.

Sasha popped one of the bubbles. "I don't even like Niccolo. He's arrogant, and just weird. He always just stares at me"

"Sasha love, we've been over this, he's from a good family, give him a chance, he's set to inherit a lot of land"

"So.....you said I would understand when I was older but I'm older and I still don't get it"

Marie stayed silent as she finished washing the soap out of Sasha's thick brown hair.


"Amelia you look so lovely, and sir Niccolo you look as handsome as ever" Sasha heard her mother welcome their guests.

Sasha let out a sigh. She was in a dark green dress that was just below the knees with a brown leather corset around the bust. Her silky brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail tied with a green ribbon. Any trace of the woods gone.

"Sasha, are your coming?" Her younger sister popped her head in her room.

Kaya was more excited that she was. She dreamed of being royalty, of tea's, dances, fancy dresses. Her blond hair was braided back, and she was in a dark purple skirt with  white button down shirt.

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