chapter one

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In all honesty I could not imagine anything worse on this particular hungover Friday morning, than going to my two hour psych lecture

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In all honesty I could not imagine anything worse on this particular hungover Friday morning, than going to my two hour psych lecture. Alas, here I sit. Beside me is my incredibly ADHD pet freshman, Luke, who bounced his leg in anticipation of the end of class. Being that today is the first Friday of September, Hockey was throwing a huge party to kick off preseason and Luke was insisting on my attendance.

"Would you quit doing that? You're shaking my desk and it's making me feel pukey." I whispered to him.

"You mean nauseous? Talk like a big girl PBR. I know you can." Luke said back in a hushed tone.

"You want me to come to this thing tonight then I suggest you just stop shaking my seat, okay?" I smiled sarcastically and he waved me off with his  hand.

"Sorry I'm just excited." Luke said.

"Ah, freshman."

"You were a freshman an hour ago, shut up."

"Am I interrupting something?" Our professor called from the front of the lecture hall.

"No, sorry." I adjusted myself in my seat and redirected my attention to the front for the remainder of the half hour.

Once we were free Luke and I walked out toward the dining hall where I was set to meet my roommate, Carson, for dinner.

"So explain to me why you live off campus but still eat shitty dining hall food?" Luke asked.

"It's not that bad dude." I laughed.

"Hi!" Carson beamed at the sight of me.

"Miss me?" Luke asked her to which Carson responded with a fake gag noise.

"Dukes!" A male voice called and drew our attention to a few of his teammates.

"Come to mama." Cars said under her breath and I playfully elbowed her.

"Hi Mark, Hi Ethan." I greeted Luke's two freshman friends but I didn't recognize the third boy.

"Guys, this is Johnny. Johnny, this is Paisley and her roommate Carson."

"Hi, nice to meet you." I smiled.

"Hey." Johnny replied coldly and quickly before looking down at his phone.

"Alrighty then." I looked at Luke. "I'll see you tonight."

"Yes you will." He said, keeping a quizzical look at his teammate. "See you later."

Carson and I made our way into the dining hall and chatted about our day briefly while picking what we wanted to eat.

"So what's the plan now?" Cars asked as she helped herself to the mac and cheese.

"Hockey is throwing, Luke is insisting we go." I replied, loading my tray as well.

"Yum. Okay." She smiled. "Who was that new one? The tall one with the blue eyes and the attitude problem?"

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