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The sun was slowly raising on a brisk morning, casting an orange glow that mixed with the morning's blue hue over the bustling streets. The morning was fresh and cool, and the streets of Tokyo were already packed with people going about their daily activities. Whether it was students going on their way to school, or office workers on their way to a grueling day of their nine to five jobs. 

One of those people, distinctive to the previous mentioned groups of people, but also distinctive in appearance, could be seen walking within the pack of people who were also on their way to their own places.

His figure, frame, and features showed that he was a mature, attractive young man. Short snow-white hair that had bangs hanging on either side, messily but also neatly styled into a middle part with a few strands hanging off of it. On both sides of his ears were black ear cuffs that were connected to a mini-chain that was connected with a stud on his lobes, and a huge duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

Dressed in the uniform worn by Devil Hunters apart of the Public Safety Bureau, one could tell where he was going.

Walking into the Tokyo Headquarters for the Public Safety Bureau's devil hunters building, he skipped the usual formalities and greetings that he would usually give to his fellow hunters, wanting to go home as quickly as possible today. 

"What a pain~..." he thought aimlessly. He knew that he probably wasn't going to be sent on a mission today, having an abundance of paper work awaiting him in his office for a case that he had dealt with the other day.

"Rohan, sir!" a voice called to him, catching his attention as his cereluan eyes turned toward the voice, seeing a man walk towards to him.

"Hey. What's up??" Rohan questions, as the man nodded.

"Ms. Makima had wanted me to remind you in case you forgot that she wanted to see you."

Rohan's head tilted in confusion, raising an eyebrow at the man before suddenly remembering the phone call that had occured with his superior the day before.

"Ah, that. Thanks for reminding me. I'll get to it." he said with a bow, before briskly walking to the elevator.

Going up to a floor, he strolled down the hallway, before stopping in front of a door, letting out a breath.

Makima's office has never been welcoming.

"Well, not like any office is the greatest for hospitality in the first place." he thought, his hand balling into a fist, knocking it against the door so he could catch her attention.

Typically he can guess what he thinks she wants him for. A new assignment, an errand, some paperwork she wants him to do on her behalf. 

He didn't question why she'd asked for him to come to her office, though he probably should've now that he was really thinking about it..

"Come in." a gentle voice called. Turning the knob and entering the room, her back was to him with her hands clasped behind, as he quietly slipped inside.

She glances over her shoulder to face him, the full force of her gaze on him, her golden-red eyes with never-ending concentric circles,  making him a tad bit nervous. He's been in her office a handful of times before, though not alone and just one-on-one with her.

"Rohan. Good morning." the corner of her lips tilt slightly upward, a smile painting them.

"You wished to see me, Miss Makima?"

"I did. I'd like to request something."

Rohan was puzzled. "What exactly would you want from me?" he questions, knowing that he didn't necessarily have anything that she would've wanted from him, and she definitely knew that he wasn't going to be able to do any missons today considering that she is his boss.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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