Chapter 20.3

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"Is somebody securing the door?" Cynthia asked, and this time Ford knew the question was meant for him.

"Yeah," he croaked out. "I brought help."

"Good. You didn't bring an infirmary with you, or a doctor, did you?"

"What happened to Merith?" Ford asked.

Cynthia shook her head. "She's out there. I don't know."

Ford realized the weapons fire had stopped. "Report!" he bellowed over his shoulder.

"All clear, sir," Stecklan yelled back. "Do you need help in there? We have casualties."

"Help them. We've got it for now," Ford replied.

The color was creeping back into Sabrina's cheeks. Ford checked in with Seuréa, who was trying to stimulate Sabrina's body to produce more blood. "No, don't do that," he murmured. "It might overtax her system. And we might need more of your strength."

"Mother needs me," she whispered. "But I couldn't let Sabrina die because I was stupid."

Cynthia said, "She's stabilizing. You can stop now, Lyssara."

Seuréa stepped back with a deep breath, then burst into tears. Rutha bent down to hug her. "There now, little one. It will be all right."

"No it won't. Why does everyone keep saying that when they know it isn't true?" Seuréa burst out. "Mother's almost dead and I can't fix her. And I don't know what to do about the Way."

Ford said, "Do you know what to do about the Kyan ships?"

"No!" she wailed.

"I do. Look," Ford said, picturing the way he had sabotaged the Kyan ship.

Seuréa frowned, closing her eyes. Ford felt a rush of power through his connection to the Crystal, and a moment later she opened her eyes with a feral smile. "Yes."

Cynthia said, "Do you know what to do about that Way?"

Ford shook his head. "Maybe if I had time to study it. You look pale."

Cynthia took a deep breath. "I think I'm nearing the end of what I can give her."

"It's enough. Look." Ford gazed at his wife's face, which had lost its deathly pallor and creased into a faint frown.

Cynthia nodded and slid the needle out of Sabrina's arm. Ford put pressure on the spot to keep her from losing any of the precious blood as Cynthia yanked the needle out of her own arm, then wilted to the floor.

Rutha hurried over to Cynthia, looking up as the door crashed in. Sastarn had a body in his arms, unidentifiable under a coat of dirt and blood. He looked around, dismayed at finding no help, and gently laid her on the other bed.

"Who?" Ford asked.

"Ranja," Sastarn said. "She's barely breathing, but the rocks falling on her must have stopped them from finishing her off."

"Any sign of Merith?" Ford asked.

Sastarn shook his head. "Sorry, sir. She's definitely dead. So's Captain Evis. We haven't found Kendara yet."

"Stecklan's got first aid training; get him in here," Ford ordered.

"Yes, sir," Sastarn said, but he stayed where he was, shifting his weight anxiously. "Um, sir, the princess. Is she...?"

"Sabrina's going to make it," Ford said firmly, as if daring someone to contradict him.

Sastarn smiled in relief. "Miah's breath, I'm glad to hear that. And congratulations, sir."

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