(A/N: Selena also plays avrils songs too cuz they're cool and fit to the story)

(Flashback to 2012)
Luke's pov:

I honestly struggled to look at her. Because i knew that if I did, I'd probably be even worse than she is. I knew she had makeup running down her face, i knew she'd been sobbing uncontrollably. I knew more than anyone that she didn't want to leave.

Watching her say goodbye to the other guys really hurt. We have grown up together, we can't just act like everything is going to be fine, because i know damn well that it isn't at all.
As my moms car drove further away from the house I'd spent so many of my summer evenings in with my best friend, i couldn't help but feel a little (a lot) sick. I barley even survive when she visits her mom.

The silence was so loud.
Out of the corner of my eye, i saw Selena with her head in her hands. I wanted so badly to comfort her, but I couldn't move. I was frozen.
She's not even 16, she shouldn't have to sit through shit like this.

I remember the exact moment she got the call about her dad.

"We're here." My mom says, snapping me out of my daze.


I had to look at her now. We only had 30 minutes left of everything we'd built since we were kids.
As I looked up into her dark brown eyes, i had tears running down my face almost immediately. This had always happened with me and Selena, if she cried, I'd cry, and if I cried, she'd cry. She seemed to have this effect on people, she just knew how to make me feel.

"Luke i dont wanna go, i don't wanna leave you. I need you. Please, it's the only thing I'll ever ask for." She begged, on the verge of a panic attack,

"Please don't do this to me. You know I can't do anything, if I could have, you would never leave my side, trust me. You're going to be okay, i know you are, and I'll visit you as soon as i can. And hey, think of it this way, you can make your career so much bigger in the US." I said, trying to be convincing,

"I'd give up everything i have to stay here. I can't go there....fuck i have 20 minutes. I dont have a Choice." She sobbed, diving into my arms.
I wrapped my arms around her and cried into her hair, as she cried into my chest. I'm going to miss the way her small frame would cuddle up to me or Michael or Calum on the sofa, (she was never really that close with Ashton, i dont think he likes her that much) and everything about her. Her smell, her laugh, her smile, her eyes, her presence, her personality, her voice, even simple things like picking her up from the dance studio because i didn't want her to have to walk home alone in the dark.
By now, her entire dance team probably know us more than anyone in the actual team.

"Fuck, I'm gunna miss you so much Lucas." She sobbed, "I'll miss the other boys so damn much too, but you are literally my other half. Without you, there isn't me."

"Hey, don't say that. You're amazing just the way you are. You don't need me, you're the most beautiful, kind, honest person I've ever come across in my life."  I comforted, wiping her tears with my thumbs.

"I fucking love you Luke." Selena said, looking me dead in the eye. "Pinky up?" She smiled half heartedly, holding up her pinky. (Something we'd do as kids)
I held her pinky finger in mine, and we rested our foreheads on each-others. "While I'm gone, I need you to promise me that you won't let anything happen to the boys. I need you to promise me that you will look after yourself and be careful, none of the girls here deserve you, you need someone who makes you feel the way that you make me feel. But most importantly, I need you to not forget me-"

"I could nev-" I started, but Selena quickly stopped me,

"Just shut up and listen to me," she said crying with a slight chuckle, "I'm serious, don't, because we grew up together. I wouldn't be the person I am today without you and the others, luke. If you forgot that, and everything we had, I couldn't go on." She explained, making the tears move faster.

"We always said we were going to get married when we were little." I smiled, "it's hard to believe that we're losing everything we spent so long creating-"
I started saying, but the speakers started calling for her flight.
"Wait, don't go yet." I said, "I can't let you go without me saying this. I love you. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I want to spend my life with you. There is no one else that I would rather be with, and I'm going to wait for you. It's fate, we will end up doing exactly what we did in my backyard when we were 6, except it will be for real. I promise you that." I said, meaning every word,

"Don't wait for me. You could be waiting forever.....but I love you. I know there's nothing we can do to change this, but if I wasn't leaving, I'd marry you on the spot." She smiled, "till death do us part?"

"Till death do us part." I swore. And then she left. I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't believe it. She couldn't be gone.


(Flash forward to july of 2013)
Selenas pov:

"Sel, You're on in 5!" My tour manager shouts.
I had another 'home town' show today. Although I know this isn't my home town, and it never could be. My home town is in Sydney.

"Hey," Justin says, snuggling his nose into my neck.

"Not now." I sighed, brushing him off, causing him to get pissed off and push a table over before storming out. I'm going to regret that later.

"Selena, you're on now!"
I sighed and did my job. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but it's so exhausting. I sang a year without rain, a song that's about someone really important to me. Luke. Who I haven't seen in about a year and a half. He visited once, with the other boys, a month after I moved out here, and I saw him
When we did a few shows is Australia, but then there was a wired atmosphere over us all, like they didn't want to talk to me. We have exchanged a few 'like your new song :)' texts, and that's about it. It crushed me. But Justin doesn't like me contacting him, and I don't want him to get pissed off at me.
I don't love Justin. I never have. Well, I did at first, he seemed like the perfect boyfriend. it's better than being alone.

I miss my friends, screw that, they were my family. It just kinda feels like I pushed them away, and now I'm probably just a name to them.
Luke's probably moved on, they probably have a new girl as their little sister. The only friend I have now is Taylor and her squad.

Halfway through this show, I had to play the song complicated. Which is honestly how I feel about Justin. He's a prick to be honest. I dont want to be with him. Taylor doesn't like him either, she was shocked the other day when he left me in the dark to walk home alone. I was blinded, and didn't even realise its not normal.
I started getting really emotional half way through the song, and was struggling to stand there, I just looked at the crowd of screaming people, and I knew damn well id still give all of this up to go back to Sydney.

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