Chapter 2: Nice Slytherins

Start from the beginning

You rush out of the packed compartment, nausea bubbling in your throat.

Roaming the train with the book in your hand, you decide now is the best time to return it to Harry. Who knows how much alone time you get in the upcoming year.

Finding the compartment where Harry and his friends are isn't so hard. A lot of people ─ mostly first years ─ swarm around it. You smile politely at a bunch of eleven-year-olds before you open the door and step inside.

You give a nervous smile to Ron and Hermione before turning toward Harry. "Hey, how was your summer break? Thanks for lending the book, by the way."

You hold out the book for him to take, but Hermione snatched it out of your hands. "Did you steal it?"

Ron tenses up and sits on the edge of his seat as Harry jumps up to stand between Hermione and you. "I gave her the book! I thought you wouldn't mind if you got it back after the summer break."

Hermione drops her shoulders and slides back next to Ron, who still eyes you suspiciously. "Couldn't you just get the book yourself?"

"My aunt and uncle are very... anti-muggle. Our library only has wizarding books. I've read them all by now and I just like how muggle authors of the past write their stories. And I'm not really allowed to go into the muggle down close to home." You nervously tug a strand of hair behind your ear, but it falls back in front of your face.

The tension is to cut, but both Ron and Hermione sit back, still keeping an eye on you. Harry rummages through his luggage, pulling out a letter. He holds it out for you to take. "It's from Sirius", says Harry with a slight smile and you tense up.

Glancing at the handwriting, you grip the letter. "Do you mind... Can I read it here?", you ask, glancing at the other two passengers in the compartment. "It's kinda crowded in ours."

Harry slides to the side and you sit down, opening the letter. The handwriting is scratchy and shaky.

Dear (Y/n),

To be honest, I don't know where to start. I got very excited when Harry told me I had a decent cousin. From what he told me, you sound like a pleasant person.

I know it may be too quick, but I would like you to spend Christmas with me at Grimmauld Place. If you don't, that's alright If you would like to owl me about your answer, that would be great.

Because I am currently in hiding, that would be best if our correspondence keeps secret. I will send an owl for your answer on the twenty-fifth. I hope to hear from you and get to know you.


You knit your eyebrows together as you lower the letter. He really tried hard, it's petty sweet.

"Are you alright? What was in the letter?", asks Harry concerned.

"He wants to- Sirius asked me to spend Christmas with him." You glance at Harry to see his reaction. You know how much Harry really wants to see and live with Sirius. He told you about the offer his godfather gave him last year.

Hermione quirks a brow. "And that's bad... because?"

You are quick to shake your head. "No! That's good! Great even! Now I don't have to suffer through dinners with the Nott's that for sure is going to happen over the break." You let out a huff of air, recalling the many times the family came over during the summer break. Mr Nott really creeps you out.

"Why would you have to do that?"

Pressing your lips into a thin line, you breathe out through your nose. "To put it simply, I am being married off. You know, keeping the bloodline pure." You roll your eyes at the last part. "It really grosses me out."

"Can't you just say to your family that you don't want to marry?", Ron asks, and Harry nods along with him.

A humourless laugh escapes through your lips. "Of course not, that's practically suicide. If my father hears about it, he will murder me on the spot."

Uncle Lucius once told you that you are expected to marry into a good and pure family to maintain your father's reign ─ once he rises again and takes over he needs his heir to have heirs of their own.

After that, the conversation kinda falls silent. You drum with your fingers on your knees before you stand up. "Well... it was great, but I have to get back and get dressed before we pull into the station. Don't let the colour scare you."

As you close the door, you hear Hermione hiss at Harry, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"It's her way of saying don't be a stranger. With her house and everything", Harry explains, shrugging.

Ron scoffs. "There are no nice Slytherins."

The comment earns the redhead a glare. "She's a nice Slytherin."

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