Luo Qiang did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point. “I'm here on behalf of Luo Biotechnology. We had some people meet with you before, does Professor Tong have any impression about us?”

Tong Jun's lenses flashed, and his tone carried a hint of displeasure. “Oh, I have an impression.”

It would not be an exaggeration to call this Professor Tong, a genius. Luo Qiang had prepared himself to encounter a scientist who was constantly absorbed in research and had little contact with the outside world.

“This March, you published a paper on the new heat suppressant pathways that caused a huge amount of discussion in the scientific community. I heard you even Patented the Technology.” Luo Qiang continued with absolute sincerity, “I'm here today in hopes of working together to develop this Patent.”

“Thanks.” Tong Jun's response was just as direct. “But I remember I made it very clear to your staff that I don't have any plans of selling the Patent.”

This response was within his expectations. Luo Qiang raised his eyebrows and asked, “May I ask, why?”

Tong Jun replied, “The technology isn't fully developed yet and isn't ready for application.”

“Although Professor Tong is at the top of scientific research, he is unfamiliar with the market.” Luo Qiang said sincerely. “We purchase the right to manage technological Patents. Of course, we will devote significant resources to studying and developing the most appropriate uses, and we will never use it to make unlawful genetic medications or genetic surgery.”

“The entire industry is watching this new development—I'm sure it hasn't just been us looking for Professor Tong, right?” He sat back in his chair, calm and confident. 

Tong Jun merely nodded his head. “En.”

He went on, “We have enough patience and capital to support the project long-term. What we value is not this one Patent, but the scientific knowledge and capabilities of Professor Tong's team. Our two sides can integrate into a long-term partnership, and if Professor Tong wants, I can even invest in your research projects….”

Tong Jun's forehead twitched, “Director Luo.”

Luo Qiang, “Yes.”

Tong Jun behaved as if he was lecturing one of his students, tapping his fingers against the surface of the table as he said leisurely, “Two years ago, Luo Biotechnology bought a dozen or so Patents for Genetic Pheromonal Diseases from Ang University. Your company claimed that they could develop an immediate therapy within a year; this announcement shocked the entire industry, and almost won a lot of support that year. It's a pity no one knows what happened afterward.”

“I don't want to sell the Patent and My Project does not lack financial support.” He pushed at his glasses, his tone by ‘No’ means for further discussions. “So, this time, if your company wants to make 'High-End Genetic Products' and needs to acquire Starter Cultures, I suggest Director Luo to go out, take the opposite direction, and go to Dairy Products College next door.”

Luo Qiang's lips twisted. Assistant Yu, who was discreetly observing the scene, was terrified, that his jaw is about to drop to the floor. 

Shit,What a difficult man!’

This teacher looks so silent but his words can enrage to death, ah !

The situation became very awkward, yet Tong Jun merely took another sip of coffee from his paper cup.

Tong Jun had of course heard of Luo Biotechnology, not only had he heard of this company, he had since long ago heard of its backing, the Luo Family.

Luo Qiang was nearly angered to death. As a result, Assistant Yu was too terrified to even breathe loudly, trembling and shrinking like a small quail.

“I understand Professor Tong's situation.” Luo Qiang slowly took a deep breath. “Although this was unsuccessful, I hope Professor Tong won't cut us off completely. I hope there will be opportunities for collaboration in the future.”

Tong Jun made an indifferent “En.”

Luo Qiang left with his assistant, after he gave his business card to him.

The bright afternoon sun poured through the windows onto the square table, casting a long, slanted shadow on the untouched cup of coffee.

Tong Jun sipped his latte leisurely, his gaze drifting indifferently to the coffee cup Luo Qiang had left behind.

“What a stubborn Omega.” He mockingly raised the corners of his lips, yet his conclusion was as light as the air.

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