Getting Acquainted

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My adventure with Rani, Ariel, Jamie, Kim, and Krishna began in a field in Midian. I was not in what I was wearing that morning; in its place was a yellow robe with Japanese patterns in red. The sun was rising overhead and bright. There was a lot of sheep in the field and for some reason, a lone sheep wandered off. Rani took off after it followed by us.

"Rani! Rani, wait up!" I called out.

We went into the highest mountain and into a cave, and in there, we saw a light purplish ethereal light from inside.

"Guys...I think I know what it is...I learned about this in PSR class..." I said in wonder.

"What is it?" Ariel asked.

"It's the burning bush!" I exclaimed softly. The other girls marveled at the sight.

On the other side of the cave, I saw the same man in the dark red shepherd robes looking at the burning bush. He had olive skin, dark wisps of curly hair, brown eyes and a beard.

It's him! I exclaimed in thought.

He stretched out his hand to feel the burning bush but it didn't burn him.

"Moses..." A voice in the wind was calling his name. The shepherd looked around warily. "Moses...Moses...Moses..."

So that's his name! I exclaimed as I watched with my cousins and Ariel.

"Here I am." Moses answered.

"Take the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground." The voice gently instructed him.

Moses turned to the burning bush warily.

"Who are you?" He asked the voice.

"I am that I am." The voice answered within the gentle flicker of the flames.

"I don't understand." Moses was confused.

"I am the God of your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." The voice revealed.

I looked wide-eyed and in awe of God's presence within the burning bush.

"Wow...!" I gushed.

"You were born of my mother, Yocheved! You are our brother!" A woman's voice sounded.

That's the same voice I heard in the dream! I realized in thought.

"Sure, you were raised a Prince, but you are so much more than that." I heard my uncle Joshua's voice now. "You're the son of a Hebrew slave through and through, and I think it's time you start embracing your roots."

And I heard the voice of Ben before he regained his memories of Sweeney Todd.

"Joshua's right, man. Sometimes you're gonna have to punch back and tell them, 'No, this is who I am'. That's how you know who you are." Ben told him.

"Girls! This is holy ground!" Rani reminded excitedly and softly as we took off our sandals.

"What do you want with me?" Moses wondered.

"I have seen the oppression of my people in Egypt, and have heard their cry." God explained to him.

Moses flinched at the sound of the whip, and the man crying out.

"STOP IT!!! LEAVE THAT MAN ALONE!!!" Moses' younger self was yelling.

Moses hung his head in shame. From a distance, I felt sorry for him. I am my mother's daughter. I see the good in people, even though other people who judge them don't.

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