Chapter 1

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Starting off the day, it was rather normal. Well.. for me, at least. To everyone else... They would rather die.. than have this life... or... should I say.. the end of this life?

I was diagnosed with CLRD.. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease. It sucks. Really. I can't even watch the best idol in history without losing my breath. But at least someone else can watch for me.

[Y/N]: I get that she's an amazing idol, but can't you at least be a doctor for once, lolicon..?

Looking to my bedside, I see the doctor who had taken care of me along with another patient. Gorou Anemiya. Also known as Dr. Anemiya, but we mostly just call him Doc or Doctor. But what I like to call him is Lolicon-

Anemiya: You're not any different, [Y/N].

[Y/N]: I'm dying here..!

Anemiya: Shouldn't have smoked.

[Y/N]: Want me to remind you of your job?

Anemiya: *sigh* Aren't you a scientist? Can't you figure it out yoursel-

[Y/N]: I will make you eat my lung. *eye twitching*

Anemiya: That's disgusting.

[Y/N]: You're disgusting, Lolicon.

Anemiya: *sigh* Alright alright...

He stands up and takes his clipboard. Making mental checks with me and making sure I was fine.. for now.... It still sickens me to know that I will inevitably die soon..

Anemiya: ...

[Y/N]: So? How is it, doc?

Anemiya: *sigh* Not good... I'm not sure if I can-

[Y/N]: Be positive, Anemiya. I know.. it's hard.. but looking on the negative sides of things isn't going to help make your doctorate useful.

Anemiya: ... *sigh* I hate that you're right.

[Y/N]: I know I am, and I always am. How long have you known me to even realize that by now?

Anemiya: Don't rub it in.

[Y/N]: *weak chuckle*

Anemiya looked at me, worried about my current condition. It wasn't good. Both of us knew that. Anemiya knew me long enough not to want to lose me. How long has it truly been..? Oof.. 17 years by now..

[Y/N]: Who knows? I might reborn as Ai's child.

Anemiya: *scoffs* How does a scientist like you believe in rebirth?

[Y/N]: I don't. That was purely satirical.

Anemiya: *sigh* See you around, [Y/N].

I waved goodbye as Anemiya walked out of the room. I turned to the tv Anemiya was watching and saw Ai dancing and singing on the stage. I put a smile on as Ai was the only thing I could find happiness to now.. My parents.. Gone.. My own wife and kid.. Gone..

Ever since I became a scientist and started working more and more.. I was filed for a divorce, and my parents disowned me for being too focused on something I never will find. That's just the thing about this cruel world.. and yet.. Ai could bring a smile to anyone's face...

Even a dying patient like me..

Ai is an idol in B-Komachi under Ichigo Productions. Although B-Komachi is an idol group, Ai stands out the most being nearly everyone's favourite idol. She's a magnificent girl and she's only the same age as my daughter. It's quite ironic to say that I can somehow see Ai as my own daughter..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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