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It had been a month since the Australian Grand Prix. Max had texted Molly multiple times, just having conversation. She was guessing that Daniel had talked to him about her because this was out of the ordinary for him. They usually text each other once every few months. And she would never admit it, but she liked the consistent texts. She even started looking forward to it every day. 

Grayson was officially out of school because he got done early. The Rangers also got out first round of the playoffs in game 7 to the Devils. Which meant that Grayson was with Patrick for a week and it gave Molly an opportunity to go to the Miami Grand Prix. 

Which is where she currently was, the Miami GP. The race was starting soon and Molly was making sure not to get in anyone's way. Daniel was hovering around her so that she wouldn't be left alone. 

Molly couldn't help but let her eyes drift to Max every few minutes. He had his racing suit halfway off and tied around his waist. Anyone would be staring. 

"What are you staring at?" Daniel said from right beside Molly's face in a teasing tone. The blonde woman jumped and let out an awkward yelp. Max looked over to them with concern as Daniel laughed at the pink dusting Molly's cheeks. 

As soon as Max looked away and started getting ready for the race Molly slapped Daniel's stomach. "Shut up" She mumbled. The smirk that was very prominent on his face made Molly want to slap him again. 



The race was an emotional roller coaster, but it ended with Red Bull on top with a one two. Max won and Checo got second, Fernando got the last podium spot. 

Molly was currently getting ready to go celebrate with her friends. It felt weird to be getting ready to go to a club. She hadn't been to one since before Grayson was born. But, here she was in a hot pink dress that she totally stole from the Ginny and Georgia set. Could you blame her? Georgia Miller's wardrobe was elite. Her blonde hair was curled and her makeup was natural.

Loud knocking came from her door and she rolled her eyes knowing exactly who it was. She opened the door and almost got a fist to the face. Daniel lowered his fist with an innocent smile on his face. Molly's face held an expression of unamusement and a sprinkle of disappointment. 

"Damn, you really got that mom face down" Daniel joked, earning him a small smile from the blonde. Molly looked behind him and saw Max watching their interaction with a neutral expression. 

"Hey, Champ" Molly said and mentally scolded herself afterwards. It sounded like Patrick talking to Grayson on the phone after he won a hockey game and that analogy in itself made the girl visibly grimace. Daniel stifled a laugh at the girls grimace. Thankfully, Max just smiled and greeted the girl back. 

"Ready to go?" Daniel asks. 

"Yeah, just let me text Patrick and tell him to call me if Grayson needs anything" Molly said before reaching for her phone. She was honestly worried that something bad would happen and she would be wasted and miss it. Grayson could get hurt, get kidnapped, choke on his spit and die. Every possibility, even unreasonable ones, were running through her mind. 

"Mols, I got everything covered. I called Patrick and he will call me if he needs anything. I have all of Grayson's information written down in my notes" Daniel informs. Molly hugs him tightly. 

"Your the best" She says. 

"I know" Daniel smirks. 

"I take back everything I just said" She fake barfs. Max laughs and it causes Molly's attention to go to him for more than a few moments. He looked nice. His outfit was simple, like she expected it to be. Not that she thought about it or anything. Totally not. 

"Let's go get drunk" Molly says before walking past the two boys and down the hotel hallway. 



Molly felt euphoric. She hadn't been drunk and danced in a club in a long time. Sweat lined her forehead as she swayed to the beat of the song playing. She couldn't really hear the words, but the beat was radiating throughout her body. 

She was pressed up against a guy that she didn't know. Their hips sway in the same rhythm. Her back against his chest. His hands gripped her hips. 

Max was sitting next to Daniel at a table. His eyes were trained on Molly. His jaw was clenched and his knuckles were white from how hard he was gripping his drink. He brought it up to his lips and downed the rest of it. He watched as the random guy she was dancing with ran his hand up her body and pushed the hair away from her neck. He felt his blood boil as the man dipped his head down and placed wet kisses on Molly's neck. Her jaw slacked slightly and Max was thinking about murdering him right in the club. 

"You look like you want to kill someone, mate" Daniel says from beside Max. Whenever he didn't respond Daniel followed his line of vision and started laughing. Max glared at Daniel as his laughter died down. 

"Go ask her to dance" Daniel advises. Max unclenches his jaw and feels a slight ache in it. 

"I don't want to intrude" Max simply says. Daniel scoffs. 

"Please. You wouldn't be. She has been waiting for you to ask all night" Daniel says. Max huffs and gets up. He walks up to them and Molly sees him approaching. She pulls away from the guy. 

"You wanna dance?" Max asks as he stands in front of them. The man behind Molly scoffs as she says yes. Max smirks triumphantly. 

He loops his arms around her waist and pulls her body closer to his. Molly bit back a smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. Their hips sway to the beat together as they maintain eye contact. Max moves one of his hands to grip her waist and his fingers on the other hand taps to the beat of the song on the small of her back. 

Molly flicks her hair behind her shoulders showing the slight hickey that was on her neck. Max's jaw tightened and he pulled her body closer than before. The closeness of the two caused Molly to bite her lip and blow a harsh breath through her nose. Max slid the hand that was on the small of her back down past her ass and to her thigh. He slightly massaged the back of her thigh as they danced. 

Molly's pulse was felt throughout her whole body and her stomach felt like it was on fire. Max, on the other hand, was hoping that Molly wouldn't notice that he was most definitely hard right now. His eyes were trained on her lips as she bit it and released it and then repeated. Molly was focusing on his lips too. How every time that she bit her lip his tongue ran across his bottom row of teeth. 

Their heads gravitated towards each other until every part of them was touching other than their lips. Their deep breaths were mixing together as the sexual tension clouded around them. Both of their bodies had stilled. Molly lifts her head up slightly and smashes her lips against Max's. Her hands both go to the sides of his neck and both of his grip her ass causing her to gasp in surprise. He took the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth. Molly slightly grinds on him after he rolled his tongue with hers. A low groan erupted from his throat and Molly is pretty sure it is the hottest sound she had ever heard in her life. They pulled away and rested their foreheads together, chests heaving with each breath. 

"You want to go back to my room?" Molly asked boldly. Max nodded and they both quickly made their way out of the club trying not to let Daniel see. 

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