The Plan

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Mia and I sat outside drinking wine, eating, and talking for about an hour. We talked about everything -- correction -- I talked about everything. She's more of a listener, so our friendship works perfectly. Though she stays quiet during a lot of our conversation, I can tell she has something on her mind. 

"Ok Mia. Enough of me talking. I can tell something is bothering you", I say to her while giving her a soft smile.

Mia immediately looks down and shakes her head, "Nothing, I'm fine."

"Dude. Seriously? I can basically read your mind. I bet you've got some pretty deep shit in that brain of yours. You can trust me, you know. If you tell me what's going on, maybe I can help?" 

"Ok fine. But you have to promise not to say a word until I'm finished explaining. And it's getting hot out here, let's go sit inside."

I nod and grab all of our trash and start to head inside. I walk into the kitchen and put the wine back in the cabinet, the glasses in the sink, and our food boxes in the trash. I start towards the couch in the living room and plop down next to Mia and she swings her legs over mine and lays her head back on the pillow. "Alright, now can you tell me what's going on?" I put a reassuring hand on her leg that's draped over mine, and I feel electricity shoot through my entire body as if I've just been struck by lighting; but I try to hide my emotions as much as possible to make Mia feel comfortable.

Mia sits up onto her elbows and shakes her blonde hair out of her face. "It's about my dads. They called me earlier today before you came and told me they were coming back home next week." I'm sort of confused, because I don't see why it's a big deal that they're coming home, it is their house after all. I open my mouth to ask about it, but I stop myself when I remember what Mia said about not saying a word until she's finished. I nod my head signaling her to continue.

"They've been gone for a few weeks, and they said they're worried about me being alone after everything that's happened in the past few months. They'll be home for ten days before going off to Spain. And--" she starts to continue, but then buries her head into her hands and begins to cry. I move closer to her and throw my arm around her, squeezing her tight. 

"Vada, they want me to go with them! They said they don't feel comfortable with me being alone so much and they wouldn't even consider leaving me here alone anymore." She begins to sob. I know she's finished talking and it's supposed to be my turn to say something, but I'm too stunned to speak. It feels like someone just stabbed me in the throat. I just hold her as tight as I can until I can think of something to say.

After a few minutes, I finally muster up the courage to speak. "I'm not letting you go. I won't", I say in a very serious tone. 

"There's nothing you can do Vada. They've made up their mind."

"There has to be something", I'm almost shouting. "Mia, if you leave, I'll have nothing. You're the only thing that keeps me going most days. If you move to another country, I won't make it. I won't. I can't." I'm starting to tear up, so it's nearly impossible for me to keep talking. Mia wraps her arms around me and we hold each other as if she's leaving right now.

"Stay tonight?", Mia manages to squeak out through sobs.

"Of course", I reply.


I open my eyes and Mia and I are still tangled together; we must've fallen asleep, but we haven't moved a muscle and our arms are still wrapped around each other. I smile to myself and give her a quick squeeze, but my smile quickly fades when I remember the conversation we had before we drifted off. I grab my phone and check the time, it's almost 9 o'clock. I text my mom and tell her I'm staying the night at Mia's. 

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