2.first Day

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I walked into my first class feeling nervous, though Frank said no one will do anything to me because people have seen me with him, Gerard, Ray and Mikey.

As soon as I walked in, all eyes were on me. I sat at the back in the corner ignoring the weird looks from students.

I decided to doodle random shit in my notebook basically most the period until two people come in laughing slamming the door open.

It was Mikey and some other boy with long-ish hair to the side they come up to me, Mikey sits next to me and the other guy grabs a chair from another desk and sits in fount of us.

"so, are you the lovely lady the guys haven't shut up about?" the random guy with Mikey asks


"im Pete by the way, Pete Wentz!" he says joyfully sticking his hand out

"im y/n l/n." i say smiling shaking his hand I look towards the door and see Frank and Gerard making faces at the window I giggle slightly and tap Mikey on the shoulder before pointing at the window, Mikey simply waves at them chuckling.

The bell finally rings and Frank and Gerard cone running in pushing a few students over, Frank runs up to me and hugs me screaming in my ear "we all have gym together!!"

"hey, back off my man!" gerard yells pulling Frank off me

"Hey! he's my man too. " I say flipping my hair with sas

Gerard gasped dramatically "sassy one are we? too bad you'll never take my crown as the sas Queen. "

I rolled my eyes and replied "watch me."

"Everyone shut the fuck up, let's go to gym." Mikey says dragging Frank along

" let's have a race, who ever gets their first is the real sas Queen." i say smirking up at gerard

Is smirks back at me and says "okay then, deal."

"ready, set-" he started running early "you arshole!!" i shout running at him

We eventually got there and I was completely out of breath and he was laughing, I didn't find him funny at all "why the fuck did you run before me, you fucking cheater!"

"someones mad." he says mocking my accent

I push him hard and he ends up falling on the floor, he glares at me and stands up pushing me against the wall.

"Gerard, stop you prick!" Frank says running to me but, I end up running towards gerard pushing him to the ground but this time I fell with him, I slap him hard in the arm.

he flips us over so he's ontop he slaps ne in the arm but not to hard, clearly trying to to hurt me too bad I slap his chest multiple times but he grabs my wrists with one hand holding them really fucking tight. "you give up?" he asks smirking

I struggle a bit trying to get out of his grip clearly failing. "fine. I give up."

"good." he says before getting off me

I look at my wrists and notice them starting to bruise I get up and smack the back of his head before running into the girls changing room.


Hiii how are you guys?!

I know this is short but I hope you enjoy it :))

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