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I woke up in someone's bed I smelt this strong cologne that just  started drifting in my brain that made me attracted to it, I rubbed my eyes trying to adjust to the light and I see Bill shirtless finding a shirt and he starts looking around until he stops noticing I woke up

Bill:" Someone slept quite a while."

Y/n:" How did you bring me into your bed."

Bill:" Maybe because I  lifted you and laid you on my bed, you look cute when you're sleeping."

Y/n:" Shut up, Why are you getting dressed up?"
Bill:" You are dating a singer I have to go to an interview there's food downstairs I'm gonna go leave now, Stay here Because you don't have a house in Germany."
Y/n:" How would you know."

Bill:" Do you understand when I speak German?"

Y/n:" No."

Bill:" There's your answer anyway, everyone is waiting for me."

I nod and Bill kisses my forehead then quickly grabs a random shirt and starts putting it on rushing out of the room I lay there for a while just smiling at how I got a singer to like me I got smiling with pure happiness I brushed my teeth and unpacked my clothes and I picked this black short vest with mini skirt jeans and I put platform boots  I watched tv waiting for The band back I realized I shouldn't be upset about that fans hate me I realized fans hate me because they haven't this close to him and I should be happy that I can stuff they can only imagine. I saw that Tokio Hotel had an interview I started fixing my posture I sat down and I listened.

Interviewer:" Who's the girl is Bill with at the moment."

Bill:" She's my girlfriend but I'm not saying her name for personal reasons.

I started smiling, He doesn't think badly of me

Gustav:" He's in a serious relationship with her."

Tom:" Before me, Usually I'm the first at everything."

I turn off the tv smiling just repeating what Bill said I went into Bill's room full of rock posters Surprisingly his room was neat I thought it would be messy but I guess he isn't.

I waited to do anything I possibly could to past time I watched the Gilmore Girls and I heard the door open and I see the band  I smiled at them Gustav and Georg look at me and then each other wondering why I'm dressed as this Tom looked at me as if I was crazy, Bill was last to get inside and Bill quickly took his jacket off and wrapped it around me

Bill:" None of you looks at her, Why are you wearing such a revealing outfit?"

Y/n:" I just wanted to catch your eye."

Bill:" You did, but  I need to let everyone know your girl before a guy takes you from me."

Y/n:" Gladly."

 I  gave back Bill's jacket and I asked him if we could go to a restaurant Bill Get the car keys and ask the manager to bring us and we got to the restaurant we talked for hours My mum called me I got confused but I answered and asked Bill to wait for me as I went outside I knew he was staring at my ass In such a short skirt 

Y/n's mum:" You need to get back to Florida You know you have school I know you love your celebrity life but You need to go back to school

Y/n:" Yeah I will, thanks, bye mum."

I sighed and walked back I told Bill and we went back home I stared at the view through the window

Bill:" Are you  gonna leave?"

Y/n:" I don't wanna leave you."

Bill:" You won't."

Y/n:" I will because my mum will kill me if I don't go."

Bill:" I haven't gone to Florida so we can book it, I know my manager would hate it, but I don't think he would say no."

Y/n:" That's not the problem I know girls who had a crush on tokio hotel, I never knew you guys until we paparazzi caught us."

Y/n:" I don't want someone to harm me."

Bill:" That's fine, I'm here, we will be Inseparable."

I smiled before realizing it was our stop and we get out of the taxi He promised when we got inside the house he will get back and Nobody could hurt me who would want to hurt your crush gf when your crush witnessed how bad you are and would wish the worst for you that would be embarrassing I pack my stuff and I wear a black t-shirt with fishnet gloves and tight low rise black jeans.

Bill came back and hugged me

Bill:" See I got the manager to agree now we can stay together we obviously will leave to go around the state, you can join me."

Y/n:" How can you protect me in school?"

Bill:" I'm joining the school."

Y/n:" Oh."

Bill:" You won't be needing me too much because I know one can hurt you."

Y/n:" True."

Bill pulled me closer, where I could smell his cologne

Bill:" if something does happen, ill always be there for you."

I kissed him 

We finally got to the aeroplane after the trouble having fans scream over Tokio hotel

I slept the whole way until it was time to get my suitcase and get a reserved bus to  a house they rented for a year that was 10 minutes nearby I told my mum I'm safe and I will be going to school since It was Saturday and She can't worry I will skip the first day back in 

Everybody was excited to go to Florida for the first time Everybody went out to celebrate their success and went out Bill called saying he will be here earlier I was a bit confused why he was gonna be early you would wanna spend the whole time with your bands why with me, I got a bit confused but I let go and said I wouldn't mind but it kept repeating in my mind and I had to know he was alone and told me he's sexually frustrated I smirked and told him I'm always here to help I'm your girlfriend after all.

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