Chapter 25 - Settling In

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Kastali Dun

Claire sighed, rubbing her temples. Her desk was a mess, scattered with parchment. Just the sight of it made her temples throb. "Ugh," she muttered, eyes snagging on a particularly lengthy missive she'd set aside this morning, to procrastinate reading it.

The days had blurred together, one into another, after Talon's announcement of their mate bond. Her kitten was a handful, but a joyous one. Not like this new task. The day after their mate bond announcement, a contingent of Spriten emissaries had arrived. She'd expected them, but had hoped it wouldn't be so soon. They'd handed her a tall stack of documents, sealing her fate. At least for a while.

In the days after taking the Spriten throne, she'd worked with Taylynn and her nobility to ensure the kingdom would thrive in her absence. Decisions were to be made in her absence by those who had her people's best interests at heart. Since she couldn't be there to approve everything, they were to do so in her stead. Every matter was to be documented by the Spriten scribes, and sent to her. She would then have a set time period of two months to review and refute any decision she disagreed with. It was a failsafe, so that they couldn't do whatever they wanted in her absence.

She'd gotten a head start on the foot-tall stack of documents the day it had arrived, eager to feel useful. But as the days passed, as she chipped away, that enthusiasm had dimmed. Especially when Desaree and Jocelyn had returned.

It had been a joyous reunion. She'd stayed up late into the evening within her queen's sitting room, sharing stories. Their time at sea had been entirely uneventful. But they wanted to hear all about her journey back to the capital, and the announcement that had everyone gossiping—

A knock came. She all but groaned in relief. "Come in," she called.

Desaree poked her head in. "Can you step away?"she said. "Madame Rosanne is here."

"Thank the gods," Claire muttered, massaging the crease between her eyebrows.

"Hard day of work?" Desaree grinned.

"I shouldn't complain." She stood, following Des from her study to the main room. Her other handmaidens were already there. "Ayas Drollaya," they greeted, offering a small bow of respect.

"Madame Rosanne," she all but squealed, throwing herself at the familiar face. Rosanne beamed, taking her by the shoulders, kissing one cheek and then the other.

"Darling girl," she breathed. "What a beauty you are, and queen now, too? I always knew you would take this kingdom by storm. My, but it is good to see you."

"You too! Des has all sorts of grand ideas for my bonding ceremony gown, and for my coronation gown. I hope you are up for the task."

Rosanne chuckled. "Would I turn down such an honor? Never. This will be even more stunning than your ballgown."

"And it must reflect both my bloodlines," she warned.

"Indeed," Rosanne beamed, eyes darting over her markings before returning to her face. "You would not believe the requests coming in for translucent gowns. Half the ladies are grumbling over the 'indecency' of it, the other half are applauding. And yet, all of them are rushing to my door for new creations."

"Then, business is good?"

"Dear girl, I have a backlog that will take me three years to finish! I've had to expand my business, buy out my neighbor's building, and set to work enlarging the store front. I've hired six—six!—new apprentices."

Claire's cheeks hurt from grinning so hard. "That's amazing."

"Come, come," Rosanne motioned, urging her over to the table. A large sketch book waited. They sat, flipping through dress designs while her handmaidens set out tea, offering their opinions here and there. Rosanne admitted that she'd seen this day coming, had anticipated it, and already started several designs before Claire had returned to the capital. Each sketch was stunning. In true Rosanne fashion, they came to life when the page was touched. The models swirled and turned, showing off tulle and lace, satin and silks, beads and sequins. Each one left her breathless.

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