Chapter 21 - Washing Away Memories

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Kastali Dun

Claire blinked, her vision blurring with tears, wetness coating her lashes. "Something in your eye, love?" Talon's amusement was impossible to miss. She huffed, ignoring his tease. The sight of Kastali Dun in the distance twisted her emotions into tight knots. She spread her fingers against his glassy scales, grasping as much of his neck as was possible, feeling his muscles shift with each flap of his wings.


That single word carried so much with it. She'd been in Dragonwall for nearly a year, and somewhere along the way it had gone from a detour to a destination. A place she wanted to lay down roots. All her life, she'd never felt such a profound sense of belonging. Not until this.

But there was guilt, too. Guilt for the loved ones she'd left behind. A sadness that came hand in hand with it.

"You are exactly where you need to be," said Talon, his voice filled with pride.

It had been her decision to arrive on Talon's back, rather than Tourmaline's. She might have been the Spriten queen, but Dragonwall was her heart and soul, and this place, this city, was to be the lifeblood of her very existence. This is where she'd rule, where she'd build a life, where she'd forge new memories, new experiences. She wanted to see it from the sky, with the person who would be beside her every step of the way.

A pleased rumble spread from Talon's chest, up through her legs. He was a constant presence in her mind when they flew together, when her skin made contact with his scales, joining them. It allowed him to see everything, except for those few bits she kept locked deep, like the needling fear that she'd never be good enough for an entire kingdom.

Beneath them, she saw her contingent of Queen's Guard and handmaidens riding astride their unicorns. They'd slowed their pace to a lazy canter, allowing the Drengr to keep up. The capital city loomed, its vast expanse stretching to the sea, showing off the giant edifice towering over it all. The ruling seat of Dragonwall. The great keep beckoned in the distance, promising a hot bath, delicious food, a plush would all have to wait.

Talon made a lazy turn in the sky, circling lower, until he brought them to land just outside the city's gates. She dismounted, breaking contact with her mate, already feeling emptier for it.

Moments later, her Queen's Guard appeared, unicorns coming to a stop. Looking them over, her chest expanded. They dismounted, carrying their belongings in packs across their backs. Their armor shone like starlight, bright even in the daytime.

Amidst the bright, she caught a glimpse of dark. Tourmaline made his way through the contingent, stopping before her. This is where I leave you, Queen.

"Must you go?" she whispered, knowing the answer.

A city is no place for a unicorn. We are free creatures, unbound by walls of stone.

"I know," she managed, stepping close to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, rubbing her face against his sleek coat. His response? A patient snort. But he let her fuss, even as tears filled her eyes."We had some good adventures you and I, didn't we?" Her words came out choked.

The very best. I shall miss you, Queen Claire. He stepped back, then lowered his head in deference. She gaped at him, at the silvery liquid filling his dark eyes, pooling up. And when he next blinked, a droplet of it fell like a tear, forming into a beautiful pearl.

She gasped, lowering to pick it from the hard earth. "It's..."

A unicorn tear, freely given. Carry it with you and I shall know if you have need of me.

Bedelth the Orange (Dragonwall Series #5)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant