
"Thank you... Robo-Jesus, that wasn't so hard was it?"

I took the oil out of my tail's mouth. i kind of was thinking of a name for it..

I began to drink the oil out of the jug.


"Keep your wings out"

I told as i deployed my wings since she had hers out.

"alright. You ready to learn? not like you don't learn in school.."


"BITE ME! school is so boring this will at least be fun! i get to do something outside of dumb projects that mean nothing cause we'll never do them!"

I snapped back at her. Rude of her to mention my schooling, this will be nothing like it! i get to fly, it'll be awesome!


"i mean, that is an incredibly fair point. You don't really learn anything you'll use."

I said nonchalantly. I raised my wings up hinting the start of the lesson.


My wings Just drooped. i was prepared but didn't feel fully prepared if i fell.

"alright uhh.. what do i do first i guess?"


"first, Flap your wings for me So i know you have control of them."


"ugh, okay."

I raised my wings up and flapped them forwards sending snow towards her.

"thats what you get."


I giggled

"jokes on you i like the snow."

I tucked my wings to my side.

"okay, your first step is to Get a running head start, about 2 seconds in start flapping your wings."


"and then..? You better just not leave me on a cliffhanger.."


"well i was gonna walk through step by step but i guess I'll explain in full."

I spread my wings out.

"So running head start, 2 seconds in start flapping. Now you've got to flap pretty hard and quickly or you won't get any air to lift you. So once you start feeling yourself getting lifted off the ground, Make sure your wings are up, and about to flap down, so that'll boost you up and catch the air in them to send you up. Then you start flapping and looking up so you know where you're going. Lemme demonstrate."

I Stepped back, then began running. As i ran for about 2 or 3 seconds, i began to flap my wings vigorously, and with a strong force. I then felt the motion of my feet getting lifted up, so i waited for my wings motion to go down, and i jumped, and flapped my wings down with decent force and took to the air. I Flew a few feet up before hovering and turning to talk to Uzi.

"like that! it's okay if you don't get it on your first try, thats why i brought N!"

I had to yell because of our distance.


"where is N anyways?"

I looked around, expecting to see my friend somewhere around here. i hope he didn't wuss out on me. I thought that until i hear familiar whirring of a jet engine in the distance.

Designation Forgotten  [Murder Drones Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED.]Where stories live. Discover now