𝟖. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒄𝒌

Start from the beginning

But as great as that sounded, she wouldn't believe that this Darius was treating her brother well until she saw it with her own eyes. He had lied to her for years about this Uncle Phillip and Luz knew how hard it was for him to say out loud that he needed help.

Once, in math class a few months ago, Hunter hadn't understood an assignment. But instead of just asking Luz directly, because she was sitting right next to him, he had scribbled the question on his worksheet and held it out for her to read.

Hunter had a hard time saying out loud things that made him feel any emotion. As if saying them out loud would make them worse. Luz hoped this Darius was understanding of Hunter.

It wasn't long before the bus passed a sign welcoming them to Gravity Falls.

The woods here were full of pine trees and seemed to stretch into infinity. This was so much forest for her and Hunter to explore and discover during their summer holidays.

When the next bus stop came into view, Luz got up from her seat and swung her backpack over her shoulder. There was only one person at the bus stop. Probably Eda?

She had disheveled gray hair and wore a red dress. In itself, she looked really very friendly, but on her face she,also saw a rather worried expression that Luz could not quite assign to anything.

On the way out, Luz said goodbye to the bus driver and hopped lightly onto the asphalt. Immediately the woman looked up and came toward her.

"Hey Luz, I haven't seen you for ages!" she said happily. As she smiled Luz noticed that one of her teeth was pointed and golden. Strange but cool, Luz thought.

She frowned. "We-so we know each other."

"Yeah sure!"Eda said and grinned, "Before Raine- well me and Camila were school friends, but- but a lot happened."

Luz nodded and grinned. Who was Raine? Possibly another piece in the puzzle that addressed her mom's dark past. Apparently there had been some kind of incident. Or maybe an arguement? And Luz would find out what happend. Because whatever it was, it seeemed to still have an impact on her moms and auntie Eda's lives. And Luz would like to help them with it.

After only ten minutes Luz was sure: Auntie Eda was absolutely COOL.

They made their way to Eda's house on Eda's motorcycle. Luz was sure that her mom could not have known about this part of Eda's life. Otherwise, she would have told Luz not to get on that motorcycle under any circumstances. Especially since Eda paid almost no attention to traffic rules. But Luz hadn't seen another car the whole way anyway, so she decided not to tell her mom about Eda's driving skills.

Auntie Eda's house was very old looking and located deeper in the forest and a little outside the town..

The house was big and on the roof it said: Mystery Shack, in big black and red letters.

They walked through the front door and Luz's jaw dropped.

"Is this some kind of store? "she asked, looking with interest at the cups with question marks on them. If she should take one of those for Vee with her back home?

Eda smiled and said, "Oh Luz, welcome to the Mystery Shack. It used to be called the Owl House, but Raine said it sounded too much like I was selling barbecued owls, so I renamed it after-let's just say they were right and the whole thing needed another name."

Before Luz could ask a question, Eda blithely chatted on, "It's a tourist trap. You must have noticed the enormously large forest on the way here, right?"

Luz nodded and Eda continued, "Well, I tell people there are monsters in the forest and I have proof of it and they leave tons of money."

"Wow," Luz said excitedly, staring at Eda in amazement, "and are there really monsters in the forest?"

𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲 《The Owl House》Where stories live. Discover now