Chapter 9: Perilous Encounter

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James felt himself tumbling through space and time as he was thrown from the Time Machine. When he landed, he found himself in a dense jungle, surrounded by the sounds of prehistoric creatures. He quickly realized that he was not alone.

As he got up, James saw a group of scientists being chased by a pack of vicious velociraptors. He knew he had to help them, but he was unarmed and alone. He searched his surroundings for anything he could use as a weapon.

Just as the raptors were about to catch up to the scientists, James found a large tree branch and charged at the pack, swinging the branch with all his might. He managed to knock one of the raptors off course, but the others turned on him.

James fought bravely, dodging their razor-sharp claws and teeth. But in the heat of the battle, one of the raptors managed to catch him off guard and sank its teeth into his arm.

Pain shot through James's body as he fell to the ground, clutching his wounded arm. The scientists quickly rushed to his side and dragged him to safety. They tended to his wounds and told him their story.

They had been working on a top-secret time travel project, just like James, but their experiment had gone horribly wrong. They had been thrown into the past, and were now stranded, constantly being hunted by the dangerous creatures that roamed the land.

James knew he had to help them find a way back home, but he was weak and injured. As they tended to his wounds, he could only hope that they would be able to work together to survive this dangerous prehistoric world.

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