Chapter 1: A Reunion and A New Mission

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James had been on his own for a while, traveling and exploring different times and places with his trusty time machine. But there was one thing he couldn't do alone: stop Doctor Foxx.

He had heard rumors that Foxx was up to no good again, trying to manipulate time and history for his own gain. James knew he couldn't let that happen, but he also knew he needed help.

That's why he reached out to his old friends, Amy and Isaac. They had been traveling the world together, discovering new places and encountering different cultures. When James contacted them, they didn't hesitate to come to his aid.

They met up in a quiet corner of New York City, where James briefed them on the situation. Foxx had been spotted in ancient Egypt, and James suspected he was trying to alter the timeline to gain access to a powerful artifact.

Amy and Isaac were more than willing to help, and together they set off on their mission. They used James' time machine to travel back to ancient Egypt, but when they arrived, they quickly realized that things were not going to be easy.

The streets were chaotic, with people running in every direction and buildings on fire. It was clear that something terrible had happened, and James feared that Foxx was responsible.

With weapons at the ready and their wits about them, the trio made their way through the city, determined to stop Foxx and prevent him from altering history forever.

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