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Demi's POV - August 20th, 12:34 pm

I stop by the arena quickly before heading home from the gym because Chuck says he has this new campaign idea. I'm planning on shutting the idea down fairly quickly and going on my day. I was going back to our place (my apartment) with groceries and a surprise bunch of flowers that I knew she'd want for her collection. 

I walk through his office door without knocking. Wrong choice. Liv is sitting there with a sheepish look on her face and Chuck looks like he was having a serious talk.

"Oh sorry, I can come back another time-"

"No, no." Chuck said, "I think we are done here." He shoots a look at Liv and she nods then walks out of the room without looking at me. Good choice.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about, Chuck?" I sit in the chair and swing my legs around the edge.

"I wanted to talk about teaming up with Dominik Mysterio." I raise my eyebrows,

"Why?" I put it very bluntly.

"Because it will up your fans and viewers and will probably get you more matches."

"I don't know, Chuck. I think I just want to be solo right now-"

"But, if you team with Dominik, you'll be getting into men's WWE also. I know you've wanted that for a while and honestly, I think this is your shot. You know that you're on a good streak right now and you can't take your foot off the gas just because your ex-partner beat up your girlfriend." My jaw tenses when he says that. "But, we'll leave that incident behind us and just talk about the present. Rhea, I think you should take this." 

I sit there for a minute to think about it. He's not wrong, I've been wanting to get in the "real" game since I was a kid. I've done a ton with the women's side and now I'm ready to take on the men. 

"How long do I have to think it over?" I ask,

"About a week from now we will have a meeting with Mysterio and his manager, and then the day after that we need to decide. Okay?" I nod.

"Alright. I'll consider this. Will you cc me on all correspondence with Mysterio?" He nods and I say a quick goodbye. Time to get out of this place and get home to Celia. It was about damn time. I'm actually kind of eager to hear what she thinks about this. She can give me the point of view of my girlfriend and my PR rep.

4:00 pm

It took me less time than usual to get home because I may or may not have been speeding to see her. I grab all the groceries with one hand and hide the flowers behind my back. After trucking up the stairs I knock on our door and she opens it with an apron on.

"Hey baby," She says it with a higher, happier voice than normal. 

"What's got you so happy?" I ask,

"Well, my lover just got home and I'm expecting a call from my mom any minute. I want her to 'meet' you." I gulp.

"Uhh okay." She turns around at the sound of my voice.

"Oh hey, it's not going to be bad at all. She doesn't even speak English that well so I'll probably be translating most of it." I give her a confused look,

"What do you mean?" I scrunch my eyebrows together. Honestly, I didn't know anything about her family. I know that her parents are split and that she's close with her mom. But that's it.

"She lives in Puerto Rico and really only speaks Spanish." I look at her shocked. "Oh come on Dem, I had to have told you this." She shakes her head with a smile and continues stirring a pot. It is at this moment that I realize she's cooking me dinner. I hand her the flowers and get many many kisses in return and then start putting the groceries away.

"So, you speak both Spanish and English?" She nods. "How could I not have known that, Celia? It's a big part of your heritage! Are you ashamed about it?"

"What? No! I just don't ever speak Spanish around you because I call my mom maybe once a month. I'm pretty tan I thought you'd be able to tell."

"It's the end of summer, you'd be weird if you weren't tan." She shakes her head,

"Well, now you know, and you'll hear it tonight when we call her." She pours the rest of the meal into a dish and lets it cool. She throws a scoop of kibble into the bowl for crunchy and then opens her laptop to set it up for FaceTime. "Oh, whoops I have to take off my apron." Before she can reach it I'm already behind her slowly untying it and wrapping my arms around her. "Come on Dem, I have to set this up for my mom. She'll be calling soon." She gives me one quick kiss before I pull the apron over her head.

"Alright fine. Want me to make you a bowl?" She nods and says,

"Yes, you might want to use plates though. I made enchiladas." She smiles proudly. I don't really like spicy food but I'm excited to try her cooking.

The phone rings and Celia's vibe changes entirely. She's so excited to talk to her mom. It must be hard for her not being able to see her much.

"Hola mamá. ¿Qué tal?" (Hi Mom, what's up?)

"Bien Cece, ¿cómo estás?" (Good Cece, how are you?) Her mom sounds just as excited as Celia.

"Bien mamá, acabo de cocinar enchiladas para Demi y yo." (Good mom, I just made enchiladas for Demi and me.) When she said my name with her accent my stomach did a flip. It's really hot.

"Ah que bueno, ¿qué tipo de carne usaste?" (Ah how nice, what kind of meat did you use?)

"Usé pollo porque más saludable por una dieta de luchadora." (I used chicken because it's healthier for a wrestler's diet.)

"Pues, ¿dondé está la luchadora?" She looks up at me and gestures me over. Suddenly I'm really nervous. Do I say hola? Or just hi? Can her mom even speak English? These are all things that would've been good to know. I come into the screen,

"Hi," I say sheepishly.

"Hello, Demi. How are you?" She has a thick accent but speaks English relatively well.

"I'm good thank you." She thinks for a minute about what to say next. I think she probably knows what she wants to say but doesn't know how to translate.

"¿Mija, le pregunte a ella si ella está tratandola a tí bueno?" (Daughter, ask her if she is treating you well?)

"Mamá, ella es espectacular-" (Mom, she is spectacular-)

"¡Le pregunte!" (Ask her!) Her mom is insistant about whatever 'pregunte' means.

She looks at me with a twinkle in her eye, "She wants to know if you're treating me right." 

"I think so." I laugh a little bit, "I love her, ma'am." I have never said ma'am in my entire life. What the heck? Celia giggles a little bit when I say it. She knows it too.

"Oh que mono. Y Celia, estás feliz?" (Oh how cute, are you happy, Celia?) She nods,

"Sí, mucho mamá." (Yes, very, Mom) She looks up at me and rubs my forearm. I have no idea what is going on but I give her a comforting smile. "Necesitamos comer el plato entonces puedo llamarte mañana?" (We need to eat our dish so can I call you tomorrow?)

"Sí mija, hasta mañana. Buenas noches." (Yes, see you tomorrow, good night.)

"Buenas noches, mamá." She hangs up the phone  while blowing a kiss. Then she looks pauses for a second and then looks up at me eagerly. "So...What did you think?" I smile and lean down to give her a kiss.

"I thought she was really nice. She reminds me of you." 

"I love her, she has always been such a good mom, even after my dad left, she's always happy. I admire her for that." 

"Speaking of admiration," I prop my hand on the back of the stool she's sitting on and the counter in front of her. Leaning in I say, "I think I'd like to admire you a little bit more tonight. Who knew having an accent was such a turn-on?" 

She raises her hand and starts to laugh. "Ummm I did!" I kiss her right then and there. I love this girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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