Coffee Break

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Celia's POV - June 2nd,  9:45 am

I'm sitting in my car trying not to have a panic attack. I got here 15 minutes early so that I could make sure I found the cafe, parking, and the will to live on time. I can't believe I am the lead photographer for Rhea Ripley. I mean, what the heck? I just started yesterday and now I am working for arguably the most famous WWE wrestler right now. (I know I did some web surfing last night to get some details and ideas.) All of this combined plus the fact that she is absolutely beautiful makes me want to die a little bit.

I decide to get out and calm myself by sitting by the fountain in the middle of the square. I am wearing a cute outfit today. I'm wearing baggy jean shorts that are double-cuffed at the bottom with a dark brown belt and matching ankle boots. For my top, I put on a flowy white T with a bunch of different drawings of flowers and their species name next to each of them. I'm big into flowers. I also brought my camera and laptop in case she wanted to see any samples of my work and hopefully give her some confidence in having me as her photographer. I'm assuming Chuck just assigned me to her because that's a hole they needed to be filled and no one else wanted to move. Hopefully, that doesn't mean that she is difficult to work with or abuse the people who work for her in any way. I truly don't think so. Her eyes told me so. Well, they honestly didn't tell me much of anything but they still spoke a language that I can't understand yet. Hopefully, I'll be able to stay long enough that I learn to.

I check the time and start walking over to the coffee shop. It's super cute when I walk in. And, lucky for us, not too busy. I go and pick a two-seat table next to the window so that I can people-watch while waiting for Rhea. 

I see a tall, strong woman with short black hair walk in. I'm almost 90% sure it's her but I can't be sure. She looks completely different without makeup on. Gorgeous, but way different. 

We make eye contact and she walks over. I smile to show her that I'm friendly and definitely, totally recognized her on the spot.

"Hey," She says it with the same silky smooth voice. That's her.

"Hey, how are you?" I say, still smiling. Honestly, it's probably looking a little creepy by now so I tone it back.

"I'm good, Celia, how are you?" She tilts her head down and flashes her pretty blue eyes at me.

I shudder but try to hide it, "I'm great, thanks." She smirks and looks down at her hands. "So, thanks for meeting me here today. I was surprised that you were cool with meeting in the morning, I figured after your match you'd sleep in." I laugh a little bit while her eyes are still on me. Somehow they darken a bit giving me the impression I said something wrong. "I mean, that's what I would do. I don't exercise much though so that's probably not your usual because you're so big and athletic." She cocks her head to the side and starts to smile while pulling he eyebrows together, "I mean, not big, big, just strong and muscular and," She blushes and starts to laugh, "Oh Jesus, I'm just gonna crawl into a hole and die now."  I put my hands over my face trying to hide in embarrassment. She starts laughing even louder. She has the cutest laugh. She just looks so happy.

"Okay, Celia. First off," I move two of my fingers to make a small eyehole to look at her. I literally can't even believe I just babbled on like that. "I'm not offended when I'm called big, because I am. That's how I choose to be, but it's good to know that you think I'm muscular," she laughs again to herself, "And another thing, I get up every day at 6 to go workout. I go to the gym right across the street. It's part of my contract. But enough of talking about that, you met me here to discuss my 'expectations' for you. Well, I don't really have any. I trust you. All you really need to do is take pictures of my matches, at some PR events, and sometimes for other random things too." I nod and pull out my laptop.

"Oh okay, awesome. So did you want or need to see any of my pictures to show you what I can do?" I ask typing in my password. 

"I don't need to see them to know you'll do great, but I'd like to see them just to see what you like to take pictures of." She smiles and takes a sip of her water. I pull up some pictures to show her. I pivot the laptop so that she can see.

Her eyes widen and start to scroll. She stops and the smile erases completely. She swallows, shakes her head a little bit, and then pivots the computer back to me. "Who's this?" she asks, looking at her hands.

I blush immediately and put my hand over my mouth

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I blush immediately and put my hand over my mouth. "Oh my gosh sorry, I think you may have gone to a different album. I had you on the 'Photography Samples' one, not the 'Never Love Again' one." I slap my mouth and look at her. She's looking into my eyes trying to find the truth about what I just said. "Sorry, I clearly am a little nervous and never stop talking." She smiles again.

"It's okay, I like it. And honestly, it's good to know you're into...that." I look up quizzically.

"Into what?" I say,

"Women." She says smiling. God, that smile. I could stare at it for hours.

"Okay well, yeah. Maybe we should've started off by getting to know each other a little bit." I sigh and think of what to say next. I reach out my hand to shake, "Hi, I'm Celia, and I am a bisexual photographer who talks a lot, likes flowers, and is really excited to work for you." She raises her eyebrows in surprise and takes my hand.

"I'm Rhea Ripley, but you can call me Demi, and I am really excited to be working with you." I smile and let her hand go. "Nice to meet you, Celia."

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