chapter 14

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Ravendusk wanted to be mad. Oh, how bad he wished he could just be mad. But he wasn't mad. There was no room for anger in an already suffocating room of fear. He was drowning in it. Choking. Burning.

He clung close to Irisfrost and Fawnfreckle, the trio circled by Foxglove, Poison and Zephyr, who seemed far too smug. Zephyr especially. The guards who had been watching over Hyacinth were instructed to come as well, along with the prisoner herself.

He looked around hesitantly as Sybil guided them into the garden where the rest of his clanmates remained, along with Cove, Cressida, an unfamiliar cat and alas, Ares. He held himself with a tipped chin and unreadable yet frosty stare. It was unnerving. Ravendusk would've preferred if he looked angry. The king's stoic gaze was far more chilling.

"As you requested, these treasonous—" Poison was ignored as Ares pushed past him. The scarred king was quiet for an uncomfortably long time before his eyes fell to the two guards who had been watching Hyacinth.

"Explain yourselves."

"We heard a noise. We didn't go far, I swear to you. We thought it might be an intruder." One of them reasoned, his voice devoid of any confidence.

"This was a situation that required the both of you?" Ares questioned complacently, head tipping ever so slightly. "And was there an intruder?"

"No." The other replied, his voice defeated as he dropped his head.

"Yes, there was." Ares corrected, his voice sounding far too gentle; poignant, almost. The comforting edge of his voice dropped viciously, however. "While you two fools were chasing rattling wind, three cats were able to slip right past you. I have given you both a simple task, one even the densest trainee could complete. What ever does that say about the two of you? How incompetent can one be, let alone two?"

"We are very sorry. It won't happen again, I swear it to you." One of the guards assured.

"I know it won't." Ares agreed, whispered, keeping his eye contact with the guards for a fleeting moment. He redirected his gaze towards Sybil and Poison, faintly dipping his head as a silent command. One slight movement held so much power. Too much power.

The slow descent of dread that crossed the guards' faces forced Ravendusk's blood to run cold as Sybil and Poison approached the two and slit their throats before he could even remember to breathe. Both bodies dropped at a mere blink.

"Now that won't do." Ares shook his head slowly, staring at the now deceased guards. "What a shame. Hyacinth, even while rotting away you are still quite the trouble."

"I couldn't leave you too bored." The tortoiseshell remarked, eliciting the slightest chuckle from the king.

"Now, you three. I am assuming you have a good explanation for this? If so, please enlighten me. I must say I am very curious." Ares promoted, a chilling look remaining on his face. Ravendusk wanted to answer him, but the words were stuck in his throat. Did it even matter? Those guards were not shown even a sliver of mercy, and now they were dead, and it was once again his fault. Selfish. Stupid. This is your fault. It always is.

"We couldn't sleep," Irisfrost quickly said, "so, so we went for a walk. Wanted something- something new to see. We saw the tunnel, and, and no one was there. We had no idea where it lead to. We were just curious."

"Hm." Ares hummed as he redirected his gaze to Hyacinth. "What did they want? What did you tell them?"

"They found me, completely by accident. Your security isn't so secure, Ares. I am a little offended. Do you think I'm too easy to handle now?" Hyacinth questioned, but he wasn't amused anymore.

insult to injury | 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat