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Name : Y/n L/n.

Age : 29.

Species : Human.

Looks : Whatever you want.

Personality : A bit Goofy, Nice, Determined, Serious.

Abilities (Shadow) : Chaos Control, Chaos Spear, Chaos Blast, Super Strength and Speed.

Super Form : Y/n's (hair color) hair becomes yellow and his eyes become red. That's it.

Whilst in Super Y/n, Y/n's strength,  speed and durability are enhanced and he is capable of flying and he can access it whenever he wants. Well kinda.

The form is draining and Y/n can only stay in the form for about a minute before being too exhuasted and coming out the form.

The form also isn't as strong as typical Super forms in Sonic. Still powerful, but not as powerful.

Gimmick : Chaos Meter.

The Chaos Meter slowly fills up as a battle goes on.

With each Chaos ability used (Chaos Control, Chaos Spear etc) the meter will go down.

But if the meter is fully charged, his abilities gradually increase in power.

Chaos Control : Instead of simply stopping the opponent for a bit, time itself is slowed down for an entire minute.

Chaos Blast : Instead of a small explosion around Y/n's range, it's a giant explosion that is capable of covering an entire arena.

Chaos Spear : Instead of up to 5, Y/n can summon 8 Chaos Spears that are much more powerful then the normal ones.

Abilities (The Knight/Ghost) : Focus (increases his attack for a short period of time) Vengeful Spirit/Shade Soul, Desolate Dive/Descending Dark, Howling Wraiths/Abyss Shriek.

Shade Form : In this form, Y/n's entire body becomes dark and his eyes are completely white.

He can float around and still use his abilities like Vengeful Spirit/Shade Soul, Desolate Dive/Descending Dark and Howling Wraiths/Abyss Shriek.

He can also use these.... tentacles ? Idk but he can beat the hell out of his enemies with them.

This form can be used when Y/n feels rageful, that's it.

This form lasts for 2 minutes and is not as strong as his Super Form but it's still strong.

Gimmick : Soul Meter.

The Soul Meter is how Y/n is able to use his special abilities.

If the Soul Meter is full, all of Y/n's abilities besides Focus will become stronger for a brief period of time.

Vengeful Spirit becomes Shade Soul.

Desolate Dive becomes Descending Dark.

Howling Wraiths becomes Abyss Shriek.

After using one of the stronger spells, the Soul Meter will go down to about a quarter. Leaving Y/n with the weaker abilities until he can build it back up.

Unlike the Chaos Meter which builds up over time, the Soul Meter only builds up with each hit Y/n either does or recieves. The Soul Meter does go up faster than the Chaos Meter however.

Themes :


Yes, I did in fact just give Y/n the abilities of my 2 most wanted characters for Smash.

Also should mention, I'll be bringing some of my own newcomers for this book.

Newcomers : Xion, Aqua, Roxanne (female Roxas) and Shantae.


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