Mature (fluff, comedy)

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TW: cigarettes

   After finishing his shower, Aesop Carl, the silver-haired embalmer came out of the bathroom. Ever since he started dating Eli Clark, clearly the most wonderful seer of all, he had been spending most of the nights in his room. On this particular evening, though, Eli seemed to have decided to change his costume, as he stood next to the window, dressed in Recluse. Aesop walked over to him, sliding his arms around him from behind.

Eli didn't mind that Aesop got his coat wet, in fact, he almost liked it. The breeze blew and made him feel colder, which he always preferred over hot days. His brown hair blew back, along with the smoke from his mouth. Aesop frowned. "Are you smoking?" he said, covering his nose. But there was no need to answer the question, as Aesop already knew the answer. "Why do people enjoy putting fire in their mouths?" Aesop asked, turning Eli towards him. "If you want to know the answer, why don't you try it?" Eli answered. Aesop hesitantly took the cigarette from Eli's fingers, looking at it. He touched the end to his lips.

Aesop suddenly started coughing, small clouds of smoke coming out from his mouth. "Why do people ENJOY this?! Cough..." Eli chuckled, taking the cigarette away from Aesop. "Who knows?" he said, smirking. "Then why do YOU do it?" Aesop asked him, clearly confused. "Hey, it's just part of my costume, alright?" Eli answered, confusing the boy even more. "Well I hate it," Aesop pouted. "And besides, it's not good for you. So wear a different costume. Go," Aesop said, pushing Eli towards the closet, the brunette laughing still.


Eli sat comfortably on the bed in his normal outfit, Aesop cuddling with him. Eli was on his phone, scrolling through random websites, while Aesop was perfectly fine with doing nothing but being in his presence. "Wow, look at this Ace," Eli said, showing his phone to the boy. "Who's that?" Aesop questioned, looking at a picture of what he assumed was a celebrity. "It's an actor from a movie I watched. But look, it says that he's a rock climber in real life, not just in the movie, and he also is friends with XXXX!" Eli exclaimed, with an awed expression.

"And...?" Aesop commented, not understanding why he was telling him this. "C'mon Ace, don't you think that's cool?" Eli asked, his eyes twinkling. "So... you like cool people?" Aesop questioned. "Well, who doesn't?" Eli shrugged, going back to looking at his phone. Aesop frowned, burying his face into the side of Eli's hoodie to hide his face. 'I'll show you cool,' Aesop thought, pouting until he fell asleep.


The next morning when Eli got up, Aesop was nowhere to be seen. 'Wonder where he went,' Eli thought, shrugging it off as no big deal. He got dressed and fed Brooke, then opened the door to leave. Once he stepped out though, he saw Aesop leaning against the wall next to his door, wearing Trickster and looking at his phone. "Aesop?" Eli said, getting the boy's attention. He turned, looking at Eli. He walked towards him, putting a hand on the wall next to Eli, gave him a quick kiss, then walked off, as if nothing happened.

Throughout the whole day, Aesop hardly ever talked, and would always seem to be eating a lollipop. He didn't even respond to Eli's jokes the same way, only just saying, "Hm," then continuing to do whatever he was doing. This frustrated Eli, and whenever Aesop wasn't looking he would mentally scream or punch a wall. But he stopped punching walls after he hurt his pinky.

Later when the sunset was on the balcony, Eli took Aesop there to look at it while some people started having dinner early behind them. Aesop took a picture of it, then started doing something else on his phone. Eli sighed, exhausted from trying to break whatever was making Aesop so strange. "Tsk," Aesop muttered, when reaching for a lollipop he only got a fistful of air. Nervously, he reached into his other pocket, and surprisingly, there was something in there other than lint. Unfortunately for him, it was a cigarette.

Eli saw his hands were shaking, and Aesop slowly brought it closer to his face. "Stop!" Eli shouted, grabbing Aesop's wrist. He flicked the stick out of his hands where it fell below. "Aesop, I don't know why you're acting so strange, but whatever is making you be like this, you don't have to do something you hate!" Eli said, turning Aesop to face him. The silver boy looked down, his face red and his eyes glistening. Eli

noticed this, and spoke again, but softer. "Hey..." He wiped Aesop's eyes, holding his face gently. "...Can you tell me why you're acting differently today?" Eli asked, holding his hands.

"I..." Aesop started, but then pulled his hands away and covered his face with them. "Ugh... it's so stupid..." he muttered. "That's alright, you can tell me anything," Eli said, bringing his hands away. Aesop turned away, blushing. "I..." Aesop took a deep breath, then yelled, "I wanted to be cool!" "Eh :D?" Eli blinked, confused. "Y-you said yesterday... like you l-like cool... people... ughhhhh," Aesop hid his burning face with his sleeves, acting like a little kid. "THAT'S what this is about?" Eli asked, then said, "Ace, c'mon, you are LITERALLY the coolest guy ever!!" Eli exclaimed, making the poor silver boy blush more. "Like, the only reason why I said I like cool people is because of you!" Eli said. He took Aesop's hands away and leaned forward, placing a quick kiss on his lips. Aesop stared at Eli, his face still red, but not as much as before. Eli stared back, smiling.

"THAT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL. UWAAAAAAAH!" Luca sobbed from behind them, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face. "E-eh?!" Aesop looked over at the balcony doors, where half the manor was watching them like a movie. "Ughhh..." Aesop buried his face into Eli's chest, hiding from his embarrassment, Eli laughing and stroking his hair. "Y'know, Sop, it's kinda hard for you to try and act cool when I'm taller than you," Eli teased, immediately bringing the shy boy's face up. "HUH?!" he exclaimed, looking at Eli. "No way! I'M taller than you! By like, this much!" Aesop yelled, standing on his tip-toes. Eli laughed, patting him on the head.

Later at night, Aesop came out of the restroom, wearing his normal clothes. "By the way Sop, where did you get that coat?" Eli asked as Aesop sat down next to him. "Hm? Oh, that. I got it from the Host," Aesop answered casually, rubbing his hair with a towel. "The Host?" Eli asked, as if he didn't believe it. "I didn't think they would randomly give you something fancy like that," Eli replied, a smile on his lips.

"Hey Eli, wanna watch this new kdrama that came out?" Aesop asked. "Sure. What's it called?" Eli replied, sitting next to Aesop and looking at the laptop screen. "True Beauty, I think," he answered, clicking on the first episode. They watched 3 episodes straight until they said anything. "Pfft, I like that guy," Aesop commented, pointing at one of the characters on screen. "Him? Why?" Eli asked, no longer looking at the screen but his lover. "He's funny," Aesop said, then, "Whenever his character shows up, he always says or does something funny." "I see..." Eli replied, disappointed.

The next morning Eli was nowhere to be found. Until Aesop opened the door...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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