New student

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Alarm started Ringing and Sonic slowly started to waking up. He hates school mornings. "Fucking school again" he said while he clicking on phone to stop the alarm. He then stood on his feets. Yawned and went to the bathroom to do his everyday morning routine. After 30 minutes he looks at his phone "oh no, I'm gonna be late to school. Oh Not again" He opened the doors and started running to  his wardrobe to put some random clothes on himself. After he was done. He looked into mirror  and thought. "I'm looking rediclios in this. Orange shorts with red shirt. Hell nah" He wanted to change but it was too late. Running downstairs. He almost failed but he did it. "Bye mom!" He yelled while leaving the house. The weather was cold and his rediclios choose of clothes didn't help much with it.
"Alright here we are" sonic said while walking into school building. As always,in hallway was rush and loudly. Sonic wasn't very popular at school. But he had a quite popular friend.
"Hey Sonic" waved  Michael.
"Oh hey there Michael"
"As always late huh?" Michael laughed.
"Yeah haha you can see I was in big rush" He looked down and up with eyes to point at his clothes.
"Yeah I can tell haha" he laughed again and continues "I wanted to tell you that today I can't sit with you in English class"
"Oh okay" Sonic Was confused.
"Oh and new student will come today, our teacher said it when you weren't here."
"Oh nice. Do you know something about him?"
And right when Michael wanted to say something. The school ringed and in rush said while walking to class. "You'll see him now." Everybody sat on their places and teacher entered to class"
"Good Morning class" he was standing in front of board "I would like to introduce you our new student Tails.
"Hello" Tails said shyly and teacher pointed on place what's next to sonic.
Tails sat there and opened his English book.
"Ppsst" Tails heard something and looked
around. It was Sonic.
"Hey nice to meet you,I'm Sonic" He shakes hands with Tails.
"Nice to meet you too" Tails replied but didn't show much interested and look back into his English book.
"You aren't very talkative huh?" Sonic shot little piece of paper on Tails.
"Can you please stop?"
"No" Sonic repliad with laugh and shotted another little piece of paper"
"Okay that's enough" Tails said angry and from his pencil case he took color pen and started drawing dicks on Sonic's notes.
Sonic was surprised. And then Tails stopped.
"Oh um Sorry I don't know what got into me" he said awkwardly and turned away.
"Hey hey its okay" Sonic smiled.
"Wanna me to show you all around school?"
"That would be great" Tails said with smile.
"Attention everyone. We have big announcement. At our school was murder. Please everyone leave school peacefully. Thank you" Sonic and Tails looked confused on each other because of what they heard from school radio and then left the school. In background was heard how police cars are coming.

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