"yeah she is, i think she sits behind me." he replied to her.

"okay cool! i'll tell them at lunch, see you later chris!" fran walked away and chris smiled. he was glad she made friends with her, him and his brothers didn't have many friends so he was happy he had frannie.

maybe he could be friends with rosie and audrey, too, but frannie was definitely his favourite.

"what are you thinking about?" fran snapped him out of his daydream.

"do you remember that time we came to the beach and our group started?" he asked her.

fran laughed, and replied, "yes oh my god, that day was so funny. audrey used to be so shy back then."

chris laughed too.
"yeah she's nothing like that anymore."

the two friends continued to speak about the memories they had from when they were kids.
"remember when you tried to do a backflip on the sand and ate shit?" fran laughed at chris, who had his hands in his head from embarrassment.

"not even funny. i had sand literally everywhere." chris giggled, cringing at the thought.

"you got sand in your eyes and started crying so i had to blow it all out!" fran continued to laugh, thinking back to the fond memory.

"i could definitely do it now." he scoffed.

"no you couldn't. no balls you won't." fran dared him, knowing he would fall again and get sand everywhere.

chris stood up and prepared himself. he flung himself upward and back, but fell right onto the sand.
"THERE'S SAND IN MY EAR!" he shouted over the howling laughter of fran.

"i told you that you couldn't do it!" she yelled at the boy who was trying to tap the sand out of his ears.

"i'm going into the sea." he shouted and started running, taking off his shirt, shoes, and socks before jumping into the water.

fran rolled her eyes at how dramatic he was.
"frannie, you have to get in the water it's so nice." he said to her.

"okay, hold on i need to put my bikini on." fran dug through her bag and found her bikini, then disappeared behind the roofed couch to change.

chris turned around, facing away from her as he waited.
fran emerged from behind the couch and ran towards the water.

"it's cold!" she squealed at the feeling of the water.
"it gets warmer once you're used to it."

chris stared at fran again, taking in her beauty.
"what?" she asked him.

"just looking at my pretty best friend." he answered, making fran blush. why was she even blushing?
the girl dunked herself fully into the water to escape the panging in her chest that continued to make itself known.

when she came up, chris flicked some water at her.
"do you want to start something you can't finish, christopher?" she warned him.

chris looked around feigning innocence before flicking more water at her.

"that's it, i warned you." fran used both her hands to throw water into his face.

LOVESICK- chris sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now