Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = Your name

(Y/N) move into the Hoenn region in the back of the moving truck, (Y/N) jam out to his favorite songs as he wait for the moving truck to arrive at his destination. As (Y/N) listen to his music, the back of the truck's door opens while the truck is still moving. This immediately grabs his attention.

(Y/N): What the--

The truck comes to a sudden stop. Causing (Y/N) to get thrown out the back of the truck.

(Y/N) AHHHH! Ow... I guess I'm here...

(Y/N) mom comes out the house,

Mom: Hi honey! How was your trip?

(Y/N): It was... Great...

Mom: That's awesome! Now come inside so we can get move in.

(Y/N) goes inside the house and get unpacked and set the clock to the correct time. Then (Y/N) heads downstairs.

Mom: (Y/N)! Go meet our new neighbors! I bet their really nice!

(Y/N): Uh sure!

(Y/N) heads out, he looks up at the sky while walking towards the neighbors house. The crystal blue sky looks beautiful, (Y/N) bums into the side of the neighbors house for not paying attention to what's Infront of him.

(Y/N) Ow! Ugh! I gotta pay attention to whats Infront of me.

(Y/N) opens the door to the neighbors house. He is then approach by a woman.

???: Oh hello there, and you are?

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N)! I just moved in next door.

Caroline: Oh I've heard about you. You can call me Caroline! We have a daughter that's the same age as you. You're perfect for her!

(Y/N) ... In what context?

Caroline: That's up for you to decide. Now go introduce yourself, she's upstairs in her room.

(Y/N) walks upstairs and sees a girl on her bed looking at her phone. She looks up at (Y/N) and gets flustered by (Y/N)'s looks.

???: UM! WHO ARE YOU?!

(Y/N) I'm (Y/N). I moved in next door---

May: H-hi! I'm May... I didn't know my new neighbor was such a cutie~

(Y/N): You said what?

May: Uh nothing! I hope we can be friends! Or best friends!

(Y/N): Uhh yeah...

May: Sorry, am I going too fast? I didn't have many friends growing up...

(Y/N) Walks up to her and puts his hand on her shoulder and smiles

(Y/N): Don't worry, We can be friends! No doubt about it!

May's face turns red and feels hot to the touch, as if she's on fire. (Y/N) noticed this and moves his hand away.

May: I... Umm... I gotta go help my dad!

She leaves the room and runs out the door

(Y/N): (What's up with her?)

Y/N heads downstairs and starts talking to May's mom for a while then leaves and explores a bit. He walks towards route 101 where he hears someone calling for help. (Y/N) goes towards the sound. And sees a man getting chased by a Poochyena.

(Y/N) H-hey! Are you ok???!

The man looks at him and points at his bag

The man: You! H-help me! In my bag! There's a pokeball!

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