Chapter 7: Why me???

Start from the beginning

Heirii’s Point of View

I need to tell her, and now is the perfect time. I take a deep breath, ready to begin. “I’ve always been an outcast, and you know it. My parents used to travel all over the world because of my dads job, going to all these different places. I was born in Japan, that’s why my name is so different than those of the American’s, where you guys found me. I’ve been constantly pushed around, and all that. So I’m used to not having friends. I was used to travelling, but that changed two years ago. We were in that village, the one I refused to go into the other day. We lived there for almost a year, but one day something went wrong. A group of thieves attacked our village, and started burning it to the ground, killing people as they went.” I pause for breath, looking at Pudding, who looks sad. I have to continue now, or else I’ll never finish. “We were all out of the village, until my mom came asking for my…little sister. Her name was Kira, and she looked a lot like you, Pudding. She was still in the village.” The flashback was now coming into my head as I continued my story. “I sprinted into the village, despite the shouts coming from my parents to stay. I found her; she was trapped underneath a piece of wood that had fallen on her. Whenever I got her out, we started to run away. I heard her scream, and I turned around, seeing a thief holding her with a knife by her stomach. I tried to negotiate with him, but he didn’t like that. He stabbed her…in the stomach. I pushed him into a building that was burning, and grabbed her and ran out of the village. I tried to save her…but I couldn’t.” I say, choking on the last part. I felt tears streaming down my face. Pudding is the only one who’s seen me cry. “From that day on, I cut everyone out. My parents, and what little friends I had. I was like that for two years, until the day I met you guys. You were my first friends, actual true friends that I’d ever had in my life. Then Kisshu came along. He treated me like a normal person, not some weird outcast that was a sorry excuse for a person, like everybody else. I enjoyed it. I grew attached to you so much, because you reminded me of Kira. You act so much like her, always happy and cheerful. Ichigo is my best friend, and a true one at that. The others are good friends of mine too, don’t get me wrong. But…whenever we went back to that village…I saw him. The thief. He was there, like he was waiting for me. I let my anger take over, and I…killed him.” I breathe, and hear a gasp come from Pudding. I see she’s crying too, and I feel like a horrible person now. “Kisshu showed up after that, surprised at what I’d done. When I broke down in front of him, he…he comforted me. He held me in his arms, and said such sweet things to me. I realized that I needed him, and then he asked me to come with him. I was hesitant too, but before I could answer him, you guys came out. And then I started to run off, but well, he caught me. He’s a cheater, because he can fly, and I’m just running.” I force a laugh at the end, and so does Pudding. “Heirii…I’m so sorry. I didn’t know any of that happened!! I understand why everything is so hard for you now, I really do!!” She rushed out, and we both sat there, crying and holding each other, until I heard a new voice. “Wow…that’s horrible, isn’t it?” I look sharply to the sound of the voice, seeing Kisshu and Taruto looking at me with sympathy. “If I’d known that was the reason for everything, I would’ve considered stopping the fighting for you. But actually, that makes me even madder than I was.” Kisshu spoke, looking away. “It’s a terrible past to have, but I’m glad you got to share it with someone you care about, eh?” Taruto offered, and I just nodded, holding onto Pudding for dear life. “Would you stop fighting? Please?” I begged, looking at both of them pleadingly. They looked down and sighed. “That’s not up to us to stop the fighting. We aren’t in charge, and you guys know it.” Kisshu spoke quietly, anger in his eyes. “Who do you work for again?” Pudding asks, and Taruto answers her. “Deep-Blue Sama. He’s supposed to be the ‘savior’ of our planet. But he’s a jerk nowadays.” We both nod to him, understanding what he meant. That’s why they worked for him, they were trying to save their planet!!! I sigh deeply, and decide to ask them a question. “Can we make a deal?” They both cock their heads to the sides, confused. “Can we go back, but still…I don’t know how to word this…keep in touch? And you not try to destroy us so often?” I ask, and I hear them chuckle at the last question. “Please Taru-taru? We miss our friends.” Pudding adds, trying to get them to give in. They both groan at our consistency. “Fine!! We will, just, stop giving us those-what do humans call them???-Puppy dog eyes!!” Kisshu says, pausing to think about what we call ‘the eyes’. I giggle, and he and Taruto smile at us. We walk over to them, and they grab our arms. “You better freaking thank us.” Taruto muttered, and both Pudding and I laughed. We teleported out of there, landing on a soft patch of grass in the woods, most likely outside of Tokyo. “Here you go. We’ll be seeing you girls soon.” Kisshu said, winking mischievously. They both disappeared, and I looked at Pudding with a smile. “Looks like we may not be fighting after all, huh Pudding?” She grins at me, nodding her head. “Who knows? Maybe we can get them to stop acting like the bad guys. We both know they aren’t.” We walk hand in hand, me dropping her off at her house. “Goodnight Pudding! Take care!” I call, waving to her as I walk off. I walk towards Ichigo’s house, knowing she’ll be surprised to see me back. I snickered to myself, imagining the look on her face when she sees me. I get lost in my thoughts, thinking. They understand where I come from now. I guess I should’ve told them earlier…but I was too scared. I smiled, knowing I wasn’t so scared anymore. Now you just have to tell Shirogane and the others. My smile faltered, knowing that wasn’t going to be as easy as explaining it to Pudding. I stand in front of Ichigo’s door, and open it. I hear a voice call from the kitchen. “Heirii???”

Soo how'd you like it?? I stayed up late tonight finishing this just for you, so I hope you guys feel special! ;) because you are!!! Once again, just the normal ranting from me. Comment, Vote, Fan, whatever you feel like. Just leave me some comments bro!!! haha have the next chapter up as soon as possible!!


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