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NSFW warning for later in the story!
I will put it when it starts and say when it's done!


-Mu Qing and Feng Xin doing idk god stuff or smth-

"What smells good?" Feng Xin suddenly muttered breaking the silence that was in the room.
Feng Xin glanced over at Mu Qing realizing the flowery scent he was smelling was coming from him.
"I dunno," Mu Qing said with slight shrug and continued to read, not bothering to look up at Feng Xin, while Feng Xin walked closer to Mu Qing and bent down a tad, Mu Qing didn't bat an eye.
"Ah, it's your perfume oil," Feng Xin said as he bent down more, moving Mu Qing's hair out of his way ,and putting his face near his collarbone, taking the scent in.
"Hm," Mu Qing hummed, still not glancing at Feng Xin, though after he realized he hadn't moved he looked over at him.
"Ahah, whoops, I apologize," Feng Xin said, backing away from him.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, before Feng Xin spoke again.

"What oil scent is this one?" Feng Xin asked, tilting his head, Mu Qing looked at him and narrowed his eyes.
"Why do you want to know?" Mu Qing asked, tilting his head.
"It smells nice, I wan-"
"It doesn't suit your appearance," Mu Qing said bluntly, closing his scroll.
"Oh? Why is that?" Feng Xin asked, crossing his arms his heavy-ish armor clinking against each other at his movements while Mu Qing rolled his eyes, he set his scroll down then turned to face him.
"Look at me, and then at you," Mu Qing started, "what's one of the biggest differences in our appearance?"
"Uh... our hair color?" Feng Xin suggested Mu Qing looked at him with a disappointed look.
"You- why are you so stupid!?" Mu Qing yelled, and smacked Feng Xin on the arm.

Taking a deep breath Mu Qing looked Feng Xin up and down for a second then he spoke.
"You're taller than me, your hair is shorter than mine, your face shape, you're more muscular, your handsome, an-"

"Did you just compliment me?" Feng Xin asked a smirk on his face as he watched Mu Qing look away.
"Ew! What no!" he yelled, taking a deep breath, "I-I'm saying from another's view. You're more handsome while I'm more." Mu Qing thought for a moment trying to find a way to describe himself.
"Pretty? Like in a feminine wagy?" Feng Xin said shrugging and Mu Qing sent him daggers.
"The hell!? Why did you say that!?" Mu Qing snapped, then he smacked Feng Xin hard on the chest causing Feng Xin to flinch.
"How am I feminine?" Mu Qing yelled, crossing his arms.
"Your long hair, your eyes, your light, thin lips, your voice, your waist, your size, yo-"
"Did you just say my waist? Why the hell are you looking at my damn waist!?" Mu Qing yelled.

No response.

Mu Qing scoffed and picked up his scroll walking out, Feng Xin followed after him.

"Why the hell are you following me.?" Mu Qing asked as they got to the door of his palace.
"You uhm...have other perfumes. Right? I want to see or smell them." Feng Xin said and Mu Qing could see right through his bullshit.
But he Just rolled his eyes and walked in, Feng Xin expected Mu Qing to slam the door in his face but when the door was held open he was shocked, but didn't want to miss this opportunity and he walked in, the door shutting behind himself as he followed the other.
Right when he walked in he was hit with the strong smell of incense, yes Feng xin used incense but nothing strong like the ones here and it was nothing like the woody scent he was used to, this smelt as if he was walking into a large flower garden were flowers covered every inch of the room, there were some actual flowers in small pots or hanging from the ceiling.

Feng Xin followed Mu Qing into his room.
"Sit there while I grab them," Mu Qing said pointing a finger at his bed, Feng Xin nodded, and he walked over to his bed then sat down on the bed and waited, looking around the room were more flowers sure he didn't know the names to all of these plants but he could tell some of them.
azaleas, hibiscus, peony's, orchids, and Jasmine. there were many more but he couldn't tell what the others were but he was curious, So he would have to ask.

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