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10 years ago (2022)

Nathaniel Sinclair. The 'it-boy' senior of White Oaks High. One of the smartest, richest and best-looking boys White Oaks had to offer. Living in the San Francisco Bay Area's poshest apartment complex, he was the heir to Sinclair Pvt Ltd. Luxury was his trademark and he had his charm on teachers, students and ladies alike. On the face of it, he seems to have everything.
But his internal demons haunt him. He pushes himself over the limit to realise his ambitions to win it all, and can't even sleep nicely at night.  Past trauma doesn't let him get close to anyone. He keeps most of his life private. He calls himself the biggest adversary of love and simply plays around with girls for physical stuff. But somewhere beneath the multiple layers of depth, coldness, and trauma of Nathaniel Sinclair, lies a boy who wants to find someone he can trust and be himself with. His search continues.

Lisa Blossom. A sophomore at White Oaks High. She's one of the prettiest girls in the school. She hails from an upper-middle-class household and finds it easy to make friends and date. She aspires to be a fashion designer and socialite. She's a believer in true love and hasn't had her first kiss yet - simply because no guy has ever been good enough for her. Will that change? She despises Nathaniel Sinclair - a player who everyone likes. Will that change?

Jennifer Malone. Childhood best friends with Nathaniel Sinclair. The Malones and Sinclairs are very close family friends. A year senior to Nate, she is currently a freshman at UC Berkeley. Jennifer and Nate had dated for over a year, and she was Nate's first kiss, first sexual encounter, and first love. Their relationship was picture-perfect but their inevitable breakup as Jenny moves to college has Nathaniel crushed. The fact that he was pushed apart from the one person he was ever close to has him questioning attachment and love for the rest of his life. But, after a semester on-campus at UCB, Jenny moves back in with her family, who live in the same apartment complex as the Sinclairs. However, Nate has been avoiding her ever since. 

With all sorts of obstacles, how did Nate and Lisa's collision fare? 

Will the stars ever align?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن