This was awkward. "So.. are you two.. dating?" Lisa asked, "Yes!" said Melina, "No!" said Jake, at the same time. Everyone went quiet,

the boys all stared at Jake, then Melina, then me and Lisa, my eyes widened and I looked over at Lisa, who was already looking at me.

Melina turned to Jake, with a hurt and confused expression, "We've just been .. hanging out." Jake cleared his throat. "Right boys?" he asked everyone,

"Uh huh." Sunoo nodded slowly, and they all agreed, Melina then turned back to us and nodded.

"Ohhhkayyy. Well! We're back so, let's hang out!" Jay cleared the tension building up. "Yes! Let's go somewhere?" Niki suggested. I watched as Melina sat back beside Jake, and they giggled at each other.

I couldn't wonder but think, Did he forget... about what happened before the start of summer? What about- ugh. I couldn't stand it.

Seeing them laughing, and lightly pushing each other. It's like he didn't even care that me and Lisa were back, he was soooo busy.

"I'm gonna head home. I've got bags to unpack!" I fake smiled, "Aww! Okay Chi chi!" Sunghoon waved, they all waved happily, Jake just stopped and stared at me.

"Are you sure girl? I can come with you if you'd like." Lisa whispered, "Ah no it's okay! But thank you. See you all later!" I waved again.

I turned away and left the shop, hoping Jake would come chasing after me, but he didn't so.. I just got back on my bike, and left.

I wanted to stay of course. But it was just so awkward. Before the end of the school year, me and Jake got closer than ever.

We hung out every day after school, participated in so many school events,

even the boys noticed we were getting closer than usual, and they all cheered for us anyway, Lisa thought it was 'A love story forming'

We went on dates, late night car drives in his very nice car, all nighters on the phone and more.

Once school was over, we were all at the beach enjoying our time and having fun, this was the day before me and Lisa left to camp, so we made it worth it.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Jake confessed his feelings for me. We kissed but.. he then said he didn't know how it would go because I wouldn't be here this summer.

I told him we could figure it out when I came back, he just sighed and never even gave me a proper "Bye"


"No! Don't splash me Niki!" I shouted as Niki kept splashing me with water. I quickly ran out of the water and walked over to Lisa, who was applying sun screen.

"No water?" I ask, "Nope! I'm gonna make my beaded necklaces, I didn't bring all of my stuff for no reason!" She giggled.

I looked back over at the Niki and Heeseung playing in the water,

Jungwon and Sunoo was building a sandcastle, and Sunghoon sat back already eating his packed sandwiches guiding them on how to make the sandcastle in the first place instead of helping.

Jay was taking pictures of everyone for memories. Jake? He just stood beside him, but looking at me.

He was literally my best friend, I smiled and rolled my eyes sarcastically. I got up and walked over to him, "Duh loser! What's with the staring?" I giggle.

"Oh come on. How could I not?" he grinned, I realized, I was wearing a bathing suit. I just blushed and looked over at the water. He then grabbed my hand and dragged me further away from everyone.

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