"Where to, how long?"

    "I don't know. My lawyer will look for you again during this time , I hope you will sign the agreement when I come back."

    "I won't sign it!"

    "Not necessarily, maybe you will figure it out tomorrow." Lin Wei opened the door and signaled him to go out.

    "I can't figure it out!" Gu Chenfeng pursed his lips tightly and stepped out, "Good night!"

    "Good night!"

    This soft sound was like Lin Wei and Gu Chenfeng saying their final farewell.


    The company's affairs should be handled by Chen Baiyu. The divorce and the feelings of the past four years have been clearly explained to Gu Chenfeng. The lawyer also ordered Gu Chenfeng to find out how to help her negotiate a divorce. Luggage and passport for traveling abroad.

    She was with a group and traveled semi-freely. It was a coincidence that the group was almost retired, and she was a young man, so she was very conspicuous. The uncles and aunts have worked hard all their lives. They come out to play, and they don’t want to leave. In the interval, they still care about her and ask her why she wants to come out to play on weekdays.

    She smiled sweetly, "I've been working for five years, and I want to take a vacation for myself."

    The aunt nodded understandingly, "You young people are under a lot of pressure, you should come out and relax for a few days."

    Then, the aunt changed the subject, "How old are you, where do you work? Are you dating?

    " , but after playing for a few days, they are strangers who will never see each other. Lin Wei didn't want to reveal her personal information, so she just smiled and refused to answer.

    The aunt took her smile as shyness, "Seeing that you are not very old, you are at most twenty-five or six years old. If you travel alone, there must be no one for you." Being guessed about her age, Lin Wei had to be convinced by her aunt's eyes

    . sinister.

    Saying that, the aunt opened the phone album, "No one, auntie will introduce you to one! Look, this is my son. He is 29 years old this year. He has been in love three times. He is in the clothing business. It is his own brand. I have the house, and the deposit is in a few digits, I forgot."

    The aunt's painting style changed suddenly, and Lin Wei was also shocked to promote her son to her.

    Can you still find a daughter-in-law like this?

    She smiled and refused: "I was married."

    Upon hearing this, the aunt looked Lin Wei from head to toe, her eyes lingered on her abdomen for a while, and said, "No children?" "


    About children , Lin Wei discussed with Gu Chenfeng to regenerate after the age of twenty-eight.

    Fortunately, Gu Chenfeng listened to her, if she gave birth before the age of twenty-five, it would be embarrassing now.

    The aunt laughed, "Now the divorce rate is getting higher every year. You young people have divorced once, which is nothing. If you don't have children, you can't settle for a second marriage. Lower the requirements. My son's conditions are good. Would you consider it?" Let's go back to City A, and I'll arrange for you to meet him."

    The aunt has a really good impression of Lin Wei, she is beautiful, in good shape, polite and sensible, speaks fluent English, and has an extraordinary conversation. It looks like she came from a prestigious school, and looking at the clothes on her body, all of them are famous brands, and her family background must be not bad.

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